Aretha Franklin
It Ain't Necessarily So

It ain't necessarily so
It ain't necessarily so
The things that you liable
To read in the Bible
It ain't necessarily so

Now little David was small
But oh my
Yes David was small
But oh my
He fought big Goliath
Who lay
Lay down and dieth
Yes David was small
But oh my

Have you ever hear about Jonah?
He lived in a whale
You ever heard about Jonah?
He lived
Lived in a whale
And he laid his home
In that fish's abdomen
Yes Jonah he lived in a whale

To get into Heaven
Don't snap for a seven
Live clean
And don't have no fault
And take me
Oh I takes dat gospel
Whenever it's pos'ble
But with a little grain of salt

Methus'lah lived
Nine hundred years
Methus'lah lived life
Nine hundred years
But tell me who
Who calls that livin'
When no gal’s given
To no man
What's nine hundred years
That's why I say
That it ain't
It ain't necessarily
It ain't
It ain't
It ain't necessarily so
Ain't necessarily so
Ain't necessarily so
Ain't necessarily
Ain't necessarily
Ain't necessarily
Ain't necessarily
Ain't necessarily so

Mirror lyrics:

Ain't necessarily so
Ain't necessarily
Ain't necessarily
Ain't necessarily
Ain't necessarily
Ain't necessarily so
Ain't necessarily so
It ain't necessarily so
It ain't
It ain't
It ain't necessarily
That it ain't
That's why I say
What's nine hundred years
To no man
When no gal’s given
Who calls that livin'
But tell me who
Nine hundred years
Methus'lah lived life
Nine hundred years
Methus'lah lived

But with a little grain of salt
Whenever it's pos'ble
Oh I takes dat gospel
And take me
And don't have no fault
Live clean
Don't snap for a seven
To get into Heaven

Yes Jonah he lived in a whale
In that fish's abdomen
And he laid his home
Lived in a whale
He lived
You ever heard about Jonah?
He lived in a whale
Have you ever hear about Jonah?

But oh my
Yes David was small
Lay down and dieth
Who lay
He fought big Goliath
But oh my
Yes David was small
But oh my
Now little David was small

It ain't necessarily so
To read in the Bible
The things that you liable
It ain't necessarily so
It ain't necessarily so

Relevant Tags:
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Neceswsarily Necedsarily Necesdsarily Neceesarily Necesesarily Necexsarily
Necexssarily Necesxsarily Neceasarily Neceassarily Necesasarily

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