Angelo Badalamenti
Into The Night

Now it's dark

Into the night
I cry out
I cry out your name
Into the night
I search out
I search out our love
Night so dark
Where are you?
Come back in my heart
So dark
So dark

Into the night
Shadows fall
Shadows fall so blue
I cry out
I cry out for you

Night so dark
Where are you?
Come back in my heart
So dark
So dark
So dark

Mirror lyrics:

So dark
So dark
So dark
Come back in my heart
Where are you?
Night so dark

I cry out for you
I cry out
Shadows fall so blue
Shadows fall
Into the night

So dark
So dark
Come back in my heart
Where are you?
Night so dark
I search out our love
I search out
Into the night
I cry out your name
I cry out
Into the night

Now it's dark

Relevant Tags:
IInto TThe NNight nto he ight nIto hTe iNght jnto fhe might jInto fThe mNight Ijnto Tfhe Nmight 9nto 5he hight 9Into 5The hNight
I9nto T5he Nhight lnto hhe jight lInto hThe jNight Ilnto Thhe Njight onto yhe bight oInto yThe bNight Ionto Tyhe Nbight knto 6he Niight
kInto 6The Nght Iknto T6he Ngiht 8nto ghe Njght 8Into gThe I8nto Tghe Nijght unto rhe N9ght uInto rThe N9ight Iunto Trhe Ni9ght
Innto Nlght Ito Te Nlight Itno Teh Nilght Imto Tje Noght Imnto Tjhe Noight Inmto Thje Nioght Ihto Tue Nkght Ihnto Tuhe Nkight
Inhto Thue Nikght Ijto Tne N8ght Tnhe N8ight Injto Thne Ni8ght Ibto Tbe Nught Ibnto Tbhe Nuight Inbto Thbe Niught Intto Tge Nigght
Ino Niht Inot Thge Nihgt Info Tye Nihht Infto Nihght Intfo Thye Nighht In5o Thee Niyht In5to Th Niyght Int5o The Nigyht
Inho Ths Nibht

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