Angela Mccluskey
A Thousand Drunken Dreams

Lover loves me, but he loves somebody new
Lover wants me to be his mother too
He don't recognize his luck until his luck is through

He's a nightingale, I'm an ugly dove
I don't wanna speak, said enough
No one can mend this human heart that's torn in two

In a moment's space he's gone
And my ship has run aground
And a thousand drunken dreams are sunken
When you leave me, lover, please leave me something.

You don't leave me diamonds, don't leave me jewels
You leave me silence, you leave me bruised
You leave me with the knowledge of the evil we do

But nothing could control the weather
And nothing could console my devils
And no one knows the manner in which he'll burn

In a moment's space he's gone
And my ship has run aground
And a thousand drunken dreams are sunken
When you leave me, lover, please leave me something

You wrapped me in the stained shroud of morning
And pulled the cord
You threw me through the stained-glass floor
You dropped me in the hole, whole lot of nothing

In a moment's space he's gone
And my ship has run aground
And a thousand drunken dreams are sunken
When you leave me, lover, please leave me something

Mirror lyrics:

When you leave me, lover, please leave me something
And a thousand drunken dreams are sunken
And my ship has run aground
In a moment's space he's gone

You dropped me in the hole, whole lot of nothing
You threw me through the stained-glass floor
And pulled the cord
You wrapped me in the stained shroud of morning

When you leave me, lover, please leave me something
And a thousand drunken dreams are sunken
And my ship has run aground
In a moment's space he's gone

And no one knows the manner in which he'll burn
And nothing could console my devils
But nothing could control the weather

You leave me with the knowledge of the evil we do
You leave me silence, you leave me bruised
You don't leave me diamonds, don't leave me jewels

When you leave me, lover, please leave me something.
And a thousand drunken dreams are sunken
And my ship has run aground
In a moment's space he's gone

No one can mend this human heart that's torn in two
I don't wanna speak, said enough
He's a nightingale, I'm an ugly dove

He don't recognize his luck until his luck is through
Lover wants me to be his mother too
Lover loves me, but he loves somebody new

Relevant Tags:
AA TThousand DDrunken DDreams housand runken reams A hTousand rDunken rDeams z fhousand xrunken xreams zA fThousand xDrunken xDreams
Az Tfhousand Dxrunken Dxreams q 5housand erunken ereams qA 5Thousand eDrunken eDreams Aq T5housand Derunken Dereams s hhousand frunken freams
sA hThousand fDrunken fDreams As Thhousand Dfrunken Dfreams w yhousand rrunken rreams wA yThousand rDrunken rDreams Aw Tyhousand Drrunken Drreams
x 6housand crunken creams xA 6Thousand cDrunken cDreams Ax T6housand Dcrunken Dcreams ghousand srunken sreams gThousand sDrunken sDreams
Tghousand Dsrunken Dsreams rhousand rThousand Dunken Deams Trhousand Durnken Derams Ddunken Ddeams
Tousand Ddrunken Ddreams Tohusand Drdunken Drdeams Tjousand D4unken D4eams Tjhousand D4runken D4reams Thjousand Dr4unken Dr4eams
Tuousand Dgunken Dgeams Tuhousand Dgrunken Dgreams Thuousand Drgunken Drgeams Tnousand Dtunken Dteams Tnhousand Dtrunken Dtreams
Thnousand Drtunken Drteams Tbousand D5unken D5eams Tbhousand D5runken D5reams Thbousand Dr5unken Dr5eams Tgousand Dfunken Dfeams
Thgousand Drfunken Drfeams Tyousand Deunken Deeams Thyousand Dreunken Dreeams Thoousand Druunken Thusand Drnken Drams
Thuosand Drnuken Draems Thkusand Drhnken Drsams Thkousand Drhunken Drseams Thokusand Druhnken Dresams Th9usand Dr7nken Dr3ams
Th9ousand Dr7unken Dr3eams Tho9usand Dru7nken Dre3ams Th0usand Drknken Drfams Th0ousand Drkunken Tho0usand Druknken Drefams
Thlusand Drinken Drrams Thlousand Driunken Tholusand Druinken Drerams Thiusand Dr8nken Dr4ams Thiousand Dr8unken
Thoiusand Dru8nken Dre4ams Thouusand Drjnken Drdams Thosand Drjunken Thosuand Drujnken Dredams Thohsand Drynken Drwams
Thohusand Dryunken Drweams Thouhsand Druynken Drewams Tho7sand Drunnken Dreaams Tho7usand Druken Drems Thou7sand Druknen Dremas
Thoksand Drumken Drezms Drumnken Drezams Thouksand Drunmken Dreazms Thoisand Druhken Dreqms

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