Cast The First Stone

Set sails, for distant shores,
In the lap of the shining sea.
They made anchor, on foreign ground.
For kingdoms of gold they seek.

Hail the King, the battle rages on.
Hail the King, the council still commands.
Hail the King, the soldiers march alone.
Hail the King, the Devil guides the sword, that guides the hand.

Steel blades and silver spears,
Marching across the land.
Blind fear has overcome,
Shouting it's last command.

Hail the King, the battle rages on.
Hail the King, the council still commands.
Hail the King, the soldiers march alone.
Hail the King, the Devil guides the sword, that guides the hand.

Across the sea they came,
Carrying swords and song.
Their shields of armor rang,
Not knowing what's right or wrong.

Guitar Solo

Repeat Chorus

Keyboard Solo

Night falls, the siege is on,
Destruction has just begun.
The King rules, he sends his battle cry,
Over all that remain alive.

Hail the King, the battle rages on.
Hail the King, the council still commands.
Hail the King, the soldiers march alone.
Hail the King, the Devil guides the sword, that guides the hand.

Mirror lyrics:

Hail the King, the Devil guides the sword, that guides the hand.
Hail the King, the soldiers march alone.
Hail the King, the council still commands.
Hail the King, the battle rages on.

Over all that remain alive.
The King rules, he sends his battle cry,
Destruction has just begun.
Night falls, the siege is on,

Keyboard Solo

Repeat Chorus

Guitar Solo

Not knowing what's right or wrong.
Their shields of armor rang,
Carrying swords and song.
Across the sea they came,

Hail the King, the Devil guides the sword, that guides the hand.
Hail the King, the soldiers march alone.
Hail the King, the council still commands.
Hail the King, the battle rages on.

Shouting it's last command.
Blind fear has overcome,
Marching across the land.
Steel blades and silver spears,

Hail the King, the Devil guides the sword, that guides the hand.
Hail the King, the soldiers march alone.
Hail the King, the council still commands.
Hail the King, the battle rages on.

For kingdoms of gold they seek.
They made anchor, on foreign ground.
In the lap of the shining sea.
Set sails, for distant shores,

Relevant Tags:
CCast TThe FFirst SStone ast he irst tone aCst hTe iFrst tSone fast fhe cirst ztone fCast fThe cFirst zStone Cfast Tfhe Fcirst Sztone
xast 5he rirst wtone xCast 5The rFirst wStone Cxast T5he Frirst Swtone vast hhe girst dtone vCast hThe gFirst dStone Cvast Thhe Fgirst Sdtone
dast yhe tirst etone dCast yThe tFirst eStone Cdast Tyhe Ftirst Setone Caast 6he virst xtone Cst 6The vFirst xStone Csat T6he Fvirst Sxtone
Czst ghe dirst atone Czast gThe dFirst aStone Cazst Tghe Fdirst Satone Cqst rhe Fiirst Sttone Cqast rThe Frst Sone Caqst Trhe Frist Sotne
Csst Fjrst Sfone Csast Te Fjirst Sftone Casst Teh Fijrst Stfone Cwst Tje F9rst S5one Cwast Tjhe F9irst S5tone Cawst Thje Fi9rst St5one
Cxst Tue Flrst Shone Tuhe Flirst Shtone Caxst Thue Filrst Sthone Tne Forst Syone Cat Tnhe Foirst Sytone Cats Thne Fiorst Styone
Cazt Tbe Fkrst S6one Tbhe Fkirst S6tone Caszt Thbe Fikrst St6one Cawt Tge F8rst Sgone F8irst Sgtone Caswt Thge Fi8rst Stgone
Cadt Tye Furst Srone Cadst Fuirst Srtone Casdt Thye Fiurst Strone Caet Thee Firrst Stoone Caest Th Fist Stne Caset The Fisrt Stnoe
Caxt Ths Fidst Stkne Thse Fidrst Stkone Casxt Thes Firdst Stokne Caat Th3 Fi4st St9ne Th3e Fi4rst St9one Casat The3 Fir4st Sto9ne
Castt Thf Figst St0ne Cas Thfe Figrst St0one

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