Delusion Of Life

Turn the sail after the wind
You take the easy way out
Make the trend to your believe
A follower in all "needs"

Your lack of independence
Shows your real face
A "wannabe"
Why do you refuse to see?

You hide your faith in your hands
Your life is a delusion

Scared to face reality
You wear your mask
How can you still your hunger?
This way you never will

You hide your faith in your hands
Your emotions are flattening
You are running cowardly with the herd
Your life is a delusion

You hide your faith in your hands
Your emotions are flattening
You are running cowardly with the herd
Your life is a delusion


If god were "in" you'd be a priest
It's your soul that's leaking
Ever wanted to be a leader?
This way you'll never win!

You hide your face in your hands
Your emotions are flattening
You are running cowardly with the herd
Your life is a delusion

Mirror lyrics:

Your life is a delusion
You are running cowardly with the herd
Your emotions are flattening
You hide your face in your hands

This way you'll never win!
Ever wanted to be a leader?
It's your soul that's leaking
If god were "in" you'd be a priest


Your life is a delusion
You are running cowardly with the herd
Your emotions are flattening
You hide your faith in your hands

Your life is a delusion
You are running cowardly with the herd
Your emotions are flattening
You hide your faith in your hands

This way you never will
How can you still your hunger?
You wear your mask
Scared to face reality

Your life is a delusion
You hide your faith in your hands

Why do you refuse to see?
A "wannabe"
Shows your real face
Your lack of independence

A follower in all "needs"
Make the trend to your believe
You take the easy way out
Turn the sail after the wind

Relevant Tags:
DDelusion OOf LLife elusion f ife eDlusion fO iLfe xelusion kf kife xDelusion kOf kLife Dxelusion Okf Lkife eelusion 9f oife
eDelusion 9Of oLife Deelusion O9f Loife felusion 0f pife fDelusion 0Of pLife Dfelusion O0f Lpife relusion lf Liife rDelusion lOf Lfe
Drelusion Olf Lfie celusion if Ljfe cDelusion iOf Ljife Dcelusion Oif Lijfe selusion Off L9fe sDelusion O L9ife Dselusion Of Li9fe
Oc Llfe Dlusion Ocf Llife Dleusion Ofc Lilfe Dslusion Or Lofe Orf Deslusion Ofr Liofe D3lusion Og Lkfe
D3elusion Ogf De3lusion Ofg Likfe Dflusion Ot L8fe Otf L8ife Deflusion Oft Li8fe Drlusion Ov Lufe Ovf Luife
Derlusion Ofv Liufe D4lusion Od Liffe D4elusion Odf Lie De4lusion Ofd Lief Ddlusion Lice Ddelusion Licfe Dedlusion Lifce
Dwlusion Lire Dwelusion Lirfe Dewlusion Lifre Dellusion Lige Deusion Ligfe Deulsion Lifge Dekusion Lite
Deklusion Litfe Delkusion Lifte Deousion Live Deolusion Livfe Delousion Lifve Depusion Lide Deplusion Lidfe
Delpusion Lifde Deluusion Lifee Delsion Lif Delsuion Life Delhsion Lifs Delhusion Lifse Deluhsion Lifes
Del7sion Lif3 Del7usion Lif3e Delu7sion Life3 Delksion Liff Deluksion Lifef Delision Lifr Deliusion
Deluision Lifer Del8sion Lif4 Del8usion Lif4e Delu8sion Life4

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