Dearly Departed

Fingers numb, feel sick again
I call on you, you my friend
You've stung my heart
With your goodbyes
The lemon sweet of your lies
Let the dirt cover me
Kiss the sky, as you fly on high
Over all that's left to be
I'll see you when I fall
I'm so tired, put me to sleep
I dig a hole, I dig down deep
I see faces in the black
Grabbing hands pulling me back
I am lost within myself
No I can't be someone else
So many things still left to say
I'll see you when I fall
Face the phantoms in my sleep
They say time heals, will it for me?
With every cut, you're in too deep
As sorrow plants another seed
I let the dirt cover me
Kiss the sky, as you fly on high
Over all that's left to be
I'll see you when I fall
I'm so tired, put me to sleep
I dig a hole, I dig down deep
I see faces in the black
Grabbing hands pulling me back
I am lost within myself
No I can't be someone else
And it makes me wonder why
All good things they come to die
Behold the sadness in my eyes
But I'll forget and live my life
Though you'll burn inside of me
I'll see you when I fall.

Mirror lyrics:

I'll see you when I fall.
Though you'll burn inside of me
But I'll forget and live my life
Behold the sadness in my eyes
All good things they come to die
And it makes me wonder why
No I can't be someone else
I am lost within myself
Grabbing hands pulling me back
I see faces in the black
I dig a hole, I dig down deep
I'm so tired, put me to sleep
I'll see you when I fall
Over all that's left to be
Kiss the sky, as you fly on high
I let the dirt cover me
As sorrow plants another seed
With every cut, you're in too deep
They say time heals, will it for me?
Face the phantoms in my sleep
I'll see you when I fall
So many things still left to say
No I can't be someone else
I am lost within myself
Grabbing hands pulling me back
I see faces in the black
I dig a hole, I dig down deep
I'm so tired, put me to sleep
I'll see you when I fall
Over all that's left to be
Kiss the sky, as you fly on high
Let the dirt cover me
The lemon sweet of your lies
With your goodbyes
You've stung my heart
I call on you, you my friend
Fingers numb, feel sick again

Relevant Tags:
DDearly DDeparted early eparted eDarly eDparted xearly xeparted xDearly xDeparted Dxearly Dxeparted eearly eeparted
eDearly eDeparted Deearly Deeparted fearly feparted fDearly fDeparted Dfearly Dfeparted rearly reparted rDearly rDeparted
Drearly Dreparted cearly ceparted cDearly cDeparted Dcearly Dceparted searly separted sDearly sDeparted Dsearly Dseparted
Darly Dparted Daerly Dpearted Dsarly Dsparted Desarly Desparted D3arly D3parted D3early D3eparted De3arly De3parted
Dfarly Dfparted Defarly Defparted Drarly Drparted Derarly Derparted D4arly D4parted D4early D4eparted De4arly De4parted
Ddarly Ddparted Ddearly Ddeparted Dedarly Dedparted Dwarly Dwparted Dwearly Dweparted Dewarly Dewparted Deaarly Depparted
Derly Dearted Deraly Deaprted Dezrly De0arted Dezarly De0parted Deazrly Dep0arted Deqrly Delarted Deqarly Delparted
Deaqrly Deplarted Desrly Deoarted Deoparted Deasrly Depoarted Dewrly Depaarted Deprted Deawrly Deprated
Dexrly Depzrted Dexarly Depzarted Deaxrly Depazrted Dearrly Depqrted Dealy Depqarted Dealry Depaqrted Deadly Depsrted
Deadrly Depsarted Deardly Depasrted Dea4ly Depwrted Dea4rly Depwarted Dear4ly Depawrted Deagly Depxrted Deagrly Depxarted
Deargly Depaxrted Deatly Deparrted

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