As Cities Burn

She's now my new sun.
She don't speak but somehow calls me.

Automated exchanges make us not lovers,
But feigners, we are only strangers.

Not estranged to regret,
Not estranged to what follows our faulty steps.

Ocean tides move to the voice of the moon,
Strange how we move.
How strange that I move to the voice of the moon,
Love ringing out of tune.

Regret once kept me from her door,
But every time wore off more and more.
So now we're back here,
Playing sincere with a new set of bones.
We are strange.

Not estranged to regret.
Not estranged to what follows our faulty steps.

Ocean tides move to the voice of the moon,
Strange how we move.
How strange that I move to the voice of the moon,
Love ringing out of tune.

Leave your bad limbs behind,
For they are conduits to the heart.

Mirror lyrics:

For they are conduits to the heart.
Leave your bad limbs behind,

Love ringing out of tune.
How strange that I move to the voice of the moon,
Strange how we move.
Ocean tides move to the voice of the moon,

Not estranged to what follows our faulty steps.
Not estranged to regret.

We are strange.
Playing sincere with a new set of bones.
So now we're back here,
But every time wore off more and more.
Regret once kept me from her door,

Love ringing out of tune.
How strange that I move to the voice of the moon,
Strange how we move.
Ocean tides move to the voice of the moon,

Not estranged to what follows our faulty steps.
Not estranged to regret,

But feigners, we are only strangers.
Automated exchanges make us not lovers,

She don't speak but somehow calls me.
She's now my new sun.

Relevant Tags:
TTides ides iTdes fides fTides Tfides 5ides 5Tides T5ides hides hTides
Thides yides yTides Tyides 6ides 6Tides T6ides gides gTides Tgides rides
rTides Trides Tiides Tdes Tdies Tjdes Tjides Tijdes T9des T9ides Ti9des
Tldes Tlides Tildes Todes Toides Tiodes Tkdes Tkides Tikdes T8des T8ides
Ti8des Tudes Tuides Tiudes Tiddes Ties Tieds Tixes Tixdes

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