Aselin Debison
Cat In The Sun

Love is taking it's own sweet time
I get a little impatient sometimes
But the blue sky's up above
White clouds sail away
And hey what's not to love
About today

I'm a cat in the sun
I'm gonna wait right here
I'm in no hurry
Love's gonna come
When it's good and ready
I'm not worried
A cat in the sun

My friends want me to go their way
Maybe tomorrow but not today
There's a bright sun shining down
Good things on the way
And hey what's not to love
About catching rays

I'm a cat in the sun
I'm gonna wait right here
I'm in no hurry
Love's gonna come
When it's good and ready
I'm not worried
A cat in the sun
A cat in the sun

I'm not worried love's gonna come my way
I'm in no hurry not today no no
But the blue sky's up above
White clouds sail away
And hey what's not to love
About today

I'm a cat in the sun
I'm gonna wait right here
I'm in no hurry
Love's gonna come
When it's good and ready
I'm not worried
A cat in the sun
A cat in the sun

Mirror lyrics:

A cat in the sun
A cat in the sun
I'm not worried
When it's good and ready
Love's gonna come
I'm in no hurry
I'm gonna wait right here
I'm a cat in the sun

About today
And hey what's not to love
White clouds sail away
But the blue sky's up above
I'm in no hurry not today no no
I'm not worried love's gonna come my way

A cat in the sun
A cat in the sun
I'm not worried
When it's good and ready
Love's gonna come
I'm in no hurry
I'm gonna wait right here
I'm a cat in the sun

About catching rays
And hey what's not to love
Good things on the way
There's a bright sun shining down
Maybe tomorrow but not today
My friends want me to go their way

A cat in the sun
I'm not worried
When it's good and ready
Love's gonna come
I'm in no hurry
I'm gonna wait right here
I'm a cat in the sun

About today
And hey what's not to love
White clouds sail away
But the blue sky's up above
I get a little impatient sometimes
Love is taking it's own sweet time

Relevant Tags:
CCat IIn TThe SSun at n he un aCt nI hTe uSn fat jn fhe zun fCat jIn fThe zSun Cfat Ijn Tfhe Szun xat 9n 5he wun xCat 9In 5The wSun
Cxat I9n T5he Swun vat ln hhe dun vCat lIn hThe dSun Cvat Iln Thhe Sdun dat on yhe eun dCat oIn yThe eSun Cdat Ion Tyhe Seun Caat kn 6he xun
Ct kIn 6The xSun Cta Ikn T6he Sxun Czt 8n ghe aun Czat 8In gThe aSun Cazt I8n Tghe Saun Cqt un rhe Suun Cqat uIn rThe Sn Caqt Iun Trhe Snu
Cst Inn Shn Csat I Te Shun Cast In Teh Suhn Cwt Im Tje S7n Cwat Imn Tjhe S7un Cawt Inm Thje Su7n Cxt Ih Tue Skn Ihn Tuhe Skun
Caxt Inh Thue Sukn

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