Asaf Avidan
Rubberband Girl

She got more than she can show
She got love for me to know
She got shadows on the floor
They're waiting

I can never understand
She's got a magic rubber band
That pulls me back into her hand
I'm never really free

All my fingers need to taste
Is just the skin around her waist
There's a war paint on that pretty face
but I'm ready.

Oh oh, oh oh oh oh, oh oh, oh oh oh.
Oh oh, oh oh oh oh, oh oh, oh oh oh.

She think that she can define me
With a word, sort of refine me
Well I'm really, really really fine with that.

I can be her evening laughter
I can be her morning after
I can be like me but tougher
If that's what she needs

I got more than she believes
I got chlorophyll in my leaves
I let out the oxygen she breathes
But she don't know.

Oh oh, oh oh oh oh, oh oh, oh oh oh.
Oh oh, oh oh oh oh, oh oh, oh oh oh.

Mirror lyrics:

Oh oh, oh oh oh oh, oh oh, oh oh oh.
Oh oh, oh oh oh oh, oh oh, oh oh oh.

But she don't know.
I let out the oxygen she breathes
I got chlorophyll in my leaves
I got more than she believes

If that's what she needs
I can be like me but tougher
I can be her morning after
I can be her evening laughter

Well I'm really, really really fine with that.
With a word, sort of refine me
She think that she can define me

Oh oh, oh oh oh oh, oh oh, oh oh oh.
Oh oh, oh oh oh oh, oh oh, oh oh oh.

but I'm ready.
There's a war paint on that pretty face
Is just the skin around her waist
All my fingers need to taste

I'm never really free
That pulls me back into her hand
She's got a magic rubber band
I can never understand

They're waiting
She got shadows on the floor
She got love for me to know
She got more than she can show

Relevant Tags:
RRubberband GGirl ubberband irl uRbberband iGrl dubberband hirl dRubberband hGirl Rdubberband Ghirl 4ubberband yirl
4Rubberband yGirl R4ubberband Gyirl gubberband birl gRubberband bGirl Rgubberband Gbirl tubberband virl tRubberband vGirl
Rtubberband Gvirl 5ubberband firl 5Rubberband fGirl R5ubberband Gfirl fubberband tirl fRubberband tGirl Rfubberband Gtirl
eubberband Giirl eRubberband Grl Reubberband Gril Ruubberband Gjrl Rbberband Gjirl Rbuberband Gijrl Rhbberband G9rl
Rhubberband G9irl Ruhbberband Gi9rl R7bberband Glrl R7ubberband Glirl Ru7bberband Gilrl Rkbberband Gorl Rkubberband Goirl
Rukbberband Giorl Ribberband Gkrl Riubberband Gkirl Ruibberband Gikrl R8bberband G8rl R8ubberband G8irl Ru8bberband Gi8rl
Rjbberband Gurl Rjubberband Guirl Rujbberband Giurl Rybberband Girrl Ryubberband Gil Ruybberband Gilr Rubbberband Gidl
Ruberband Gidrl Rubberband Girdl Ruvberband Gi4l Ruvbberband Gi4rl Rubvberband Gir4l Rugberband Gigl Rugbberband Gigrl
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Gifl Gifrl Rubebrband Girfl Rubverband Giel Gierl Rubbverband Girel Rubgerband Girll
Gir Rubbgerband Girl Rubnerband Girk Girkl Rubbnerband Girlk Rubherband Giro Girol
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