Asaf Avidan
Slowing Down

Now that you're leaving
It's got me thinking
Maybe I'll do a little leaving too
Baby believe me
If I could leave me
I wouldn't wait a single second too

Everybody's slowing down
Everybody's slowing down but us
We're like a bubble when it hits the floor
Maybe we'll break,
But maybe we're gonna love each other even more

Sooner or later
I'll come and waiter
You'll come buying and I'll start lying all over again
Sooner or later
I'll open my crater
You'll come a'filling, and end up spilling all over again

Everybody's slowing down
Everybody's slowing down but us
We're like a bubble when it hits the floor
Maybe we'll break,
But maybe we're gonna love each other even more

Mirror lyrics:

But maybe we're gonna love each other even more
Maybe we'll break,
We're like a bubble when it hits the floor
Everybody's slowing down but us
Everybody's slowing down

You'll come a'filling, and end up spilling all over again
I'll open my crater
Sooner or later
You'll come buying and I'll start lying all over again
I'll come and waiter
Sooner or later

But maybe we're gonna love each other even more
Maybe we'll break,
We're like a bubble when it hits the floor
Everybody's slowing down but us
Everybody's slowing down

I wouldn't wait a single second too
If I could leave me
Baby believe me
Maybe I'll do a little leaving too
It's got me thinking
Now that you're leaving

Relevant Tags:
SSlowing DDown lowing own lSowing oDwn zlowing xown zSlowing xDown Szlowing Dxown wlowing eown wSlowing eDown Swlowing Deown
dlowing fown dSlowing fDown Sdlowing Dfown elowing rown eSlowing rDown Selowing Drown xlowing cown xSlowing cDown Sxlowing Dcown
alowing sown aSlowing sDown Salowing Dsown Sllowing Doown Sowing Dwn Solwing Dwon Skowing Dkwn Sklowing Dkown Slkowing Dokwn
Soowing D9wn Solowing D9own Sloowing Do9wn Spowing D0wn Splowing D0own Slpowing Do0wn Dlwn Slwing Dlown Slwoing Dolwn
Slkwing Diwn Diown Slokwing Doiwn Sl9wing Dowwn Sl9owing Don Slo9wing Donw Sl0wing Doan Sl0owing Doawn Slo0wing Dowan
Sllwing Do3n Do3wn Slolwing Dow3n Sliwing Dodn Sliowing Dodwn Sloiwing Dowdn Slowwing Doen Sloing Doewn Sloiwng Dowen
Sloaing Dosn Sloawing Doswn Slowaing Dowsn Slo3ing Do2n Slo3wing Do2wn Slow3ing Dow2n Sloding Doqn Slodwing Doqwn Slowding Dowqn
Sloeing Downn Sloewing Dow

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