As Tall As Lions
Maybe I'm Just Tired

If love comes your way
Don't be afraid
Unlock the box your heart's encased
Hope it wont change
Beware of the games
That she'll want to start playing
Oh, lately babe
I stay awake thinking this life gets lonely

Well maybe I'm just scared
Scared to let you go
I want you to know
Right from hello
your love just kept me wondering
Well maybe I'm just tired
Tired of never knowing, yeah

But I know I'm not good enough
I know I'm not good enough for you
Yeah I know I'm not good enough
I know I'm not good enough for you

If I can be saved
Show me the way
Help me help myself, baby
Don't be confused
Our love is true
Tell by the way I'm looking at you

Maybe I'm just tired
Tired of never knowing
Cause I know I'm not good enough
I know I'm not good enough for you

Yeah I know I'm not good enough
Yeah I know I'm not good enough for you

But I know I'm not good enough
I know I'm not good enough for you
Yeah I know I'm not good enough
I know I'm not good enough for you

Mirror lyrics:

I know I'm not good enough for you
Yeah I know I'm not good enough
I know I'm not good enough for you
But I know I'm not good enough

Yeah I know I'm not good enough for you
Yeah I know I'm not good enough

I know I'm not good enough for you
Cause I know I'm not good enough
Tired of never knowing
Maybe I'm just tired

Tell by the way I'm looking at you
Our love is true
Don't be confused
Help me help myself, baby
Show me the way
If I can be saved

I know I'm not good enough for you
Yeah I know I'm not good enough
I know I'm not good enough for you
But I know I'm not good enough

Tired of never knowing, yeah
Well maybe I'm just tired
your love just kept me wondering
Right from hello
I want you to know
Scared to let you go
Well maybe I'm just scared

I stay awake thinking this life gets lonely
Oh, lately babe
That she'll want to start playing
Beware of the games
Hope it wont change
Unlock the box your heart's encased
Don't be afraid
If love comes your way

Relevant Tags:
MMaybe II'm JJust TTired aybe 'm ust ired aMybe 'Im uJst iTred jaybe j'm kust fired jMaybe jI'm kJust fTired Mjaybe Ij'm Jkust Tfired
kaybe 9'm iust 5ired kMaybe 9I'm iJust 5Tired Mkaybe I9'm Jiust T5ired naybe l'm must hired nMaybe lI'm mJust hTired Mnaybe Il'm Jmust Thired
Maaybe o'm nust yired Mybe oI'm nJust yTired Myabe Io'm Jnust Tyired Mzybe k'm hust 6ired Mzaybe kI'm hJust 6Tired Mazybe Ik'm Jhust T6ired
Mqybe 8'm uust gired Mqaybe 8I'm uJust gTired Maqybe I8'm Juust Tgired Msybe u'm rired Msaybe uI'm Jst rTired Masybe Iu'm Jsut Trired
Mwybe I''m Jhst Tiired Mwaybe Im Tred Mawybe Im' Juhst Tried Mxybe I'mm J7st Tjred Mxaybe I' J7ust Tjired Maxybe I'm Ju7st Tijred
Mayybe I'j Jkst T9red Mabe I'jm T9ired Mabye I'mj Jukst Ti9red Magbe I'k Jist Tlred Magybe I'km Tlired Maygbe I'mk Juist Tilred
Mahbe I'n J8st Tored Mahybe I'nm J8ust Toired Mayhbe I'mn Ju8st Tiored Ma6be Jjst Tkred Ma6ybe Jjust Tkired May6be Jujst Tikred
Maube Jyst T8red Mauybe Jyust T8ired Mayube Juyst Ti8red Ma7be Jusst Tured Ma7ybe Jut Tuired May7be Juts Tiured
Majbe Juzt Tirred Majybe Juzst Tied Mayjbe Juszt Tierd Matbe Juwt Tided Matybe Juwst Tidred Maytbe Juswt Tirded

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