Hy Pro Glo

Who, what, where, when, why,
How many ways can you lie
How many ways can you try
How many ways can you die
What am I gonna do
I can't look at you
What are you gonna do
You're no hypocrite

I bash my head against the wall everyday
You'd bash your head against a wall anyway
And then you turn to look to see if I care
But I can't, and I never did
What'd you expect me to give
You never deserved my respect

How many ways can you try
It burns a hole inside your mind

What am I gonna do
I can't look at you
Can't look like you
I'm no hypocrite
What are you gonna do
You love to look at you
Don't have a clue
You're no hypocrite

You've got a hole inside that you have to feed
You've got a hole you'll use to get what you need
And then you look to see if I care
But I can't, and I never did
What'd you expect me to give
You never deserved my respect

How many ways can you try
It burns a hole inside my mind

What am I gonna do
I can't look at you
Can't look like you
I'm no hypocrite
What are you gonna do
You love to look at you
Don't have a clue
You're no hypocrite

It burns a hole inside my mind
It burns a hole inside my mind

You've got that look I wanna know
You've got that look, the hy pro glo
It burns a hole inside my mind
It burns a hole inside my mind

Who, what, where, when, why,
How many ways can you lie
How many ways can you try
How many ways can you die
What am I gonna do
I can't look at you
Don't have a clue
You're no hypocrite

Mirror lyrics:

You're no hypocrite
Don't have a clue
I can't look at you
What am I gonna do
How many ways can you die
How many ways can you try
How many ways can you lie
Who, what, where, when, why,

It burns a hole inside my mind
It burns a hole inside my mind
You've got that look, the hy pro glo
You've got that look I wanna know

It burns a hole inside my mind
It burns a hole inside my mind

You're no hypocrite
Don't have a clue
You love to look at you
What are you gonna do
I'm no hypocrite
Can't look like you
I can't look at you
What am I gonna do

It burns a hole inside my mind
How many ways can you try

You never deserved my respect
What'd you expect me to give
But I can't, and I never did
And then you look to see if I care
You've got a hole you'll use to get what you need
You've got a hole inside that you have to feed

You're no hypocrite
Don't have a clue
You love to look at you
What are you gonna do
I'm no hypocrite
Can't look like you
I can't look at you
What am I gonna do

It burns a hole inside your mind
How many ways can you try

You never deserved my respect
What'd you expect me to give
But I can't, and I never did
And then you turn to look to see if I care
You'd bash your head against a wall anyway
I bash my head against the wall everyday

You're no hypocrite
What are you gonna do
I can't look at you
What am I gonna do
How many ways can you die
How many ways can you try
How many ways can you lie
Who, what, where, when, why,

Relevant Tags:
HHy PPro GGlo y ro lo yH rPo lGo jy 0ro hlo jHy 0Pro hGlo Hjy P0ro Ghlo uy lro ylo uHy lPro yGlo Huy Plro Gylo ny oro blo nHy oPro bGlo
Hny Poro Gblo by Prro vlo bHy Po vGlo Hby Por Gvlo gy Pdo flo gHy Pdro fGlo Hgy Prdo Gflo yy P4o tlo yHy P4ro tGlo Hyy Pr4o Gtlo Pgo Gllo
H Pgro Go Hy Prgo Gol Hg Pto Gko Ptro Gklo Hyg Prto Glko

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