Anthony Hamilton
Sista Big Bones

[Verse 1]
Some day I'll be walkin along and you'll stepp on the scene where I'll be, hopefully you'll
touched by my charm and the words of the song will lead the way, bright eyes, and thangs, dark hair,
earrings, just a few of the things i like about you

Sista Big bone, can a brotha walk you home, look like a plate of neck bones, i'd like to keep
your body warm

[Verse 2]
Frankly, i admire your style, how you go into work everyday, confidence in your walk in your
stride, have my nose open wide miss thang, I'd like to take you on a nice day shoot some riddles have
some vittles with you, make no mistake, I'll be a gentleman take your coat open doors things I'll do


I'd like to dance with you
hold hands, and walk with you, sing songs, and stare at you, miss thang, miss thang

[Chorus - Repeat]

Mirror lyrics:

[Chorus - Repeat]

hold hands, and walk with you, sing songs, and stare at you, miss thang, miss thang
I'd like to dance with you


some vittles with you, make no mistake, I'll be a gentleman take your coat open doors things I'll do
stride, have my nose open wide miss thang, I'd like to take you on a nice day shoot some riddles have
Frankly, i admire your style, how you go into work everyday, confidence in your walk in your
[Verse 2]

your body warm
Sista Big bone, can a brotha walk you home, look like a plate of neck bones, i'd like to keep

earrings, just a few of the things i like about you
touched by my charm and the words of the song will lead the way, bright eyes, and thangs, dark hair,
Some day I'll be walkin along and you'll stepp on the scene where I'll be, hopefully you'll
[Verse 1]

Relevant Tags:
SSista BBig BBones ista ig ones iSsta iBg oBnes zista vig vones zSista vBig vBones Szista Bvig Bvones wista gig gones
wSista gBig gBones Swista Bgig Bgones dista nig nones dSista nBig nBones Sdista Bnig Bnones eista hig hones eSista hBig hBones
Seista Bhig Bhones xista Biig Boones xSista Bg Bnes Sxista Bgi Bnoes aista Bjg Bknes aSista Bjig Bkones Saista Bijg Boknes
Siista B9g B9nes Ssta B9ig B9ones Ssita Bi9g Bo9nes Sjsta Blg B0nes Sjista Blig B0ones Sijsta Bilg Bo0nes S9sta Bog Blnes
S9ista Boig Blones Si9sta Biog Bolnes Slsta Bkg Bines Slista Bkig Biones Silsta Bikg Boines Sosta B8g Bonnes Soista B8ig Boes
Siosta Bi8g Boens Sksta Bug Bomes Skista Buig Bomnes Siksta Biug Bonmes S8sta Bigg Bohes S8ista Bi Bohnes Si8sta Big Bonhes
Susta Bih Bojes Suista Bihg Bojnes Siusta Bigh Bonjes Sissta Biy Bobes Sita Biyg Bobnes Sitsa Bigy Bonbes Sizta Bib Bonees
Sizsta Bibg Bons Siszta Bigb Bonse Siwta Biv Bonss Siwsta Bivg Bonses Siswta Bigv Boness

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