The Defeat Of Satan

An angel descending from heaven
holding the key to the abyss
he seized the serpent of old
who is the devil and satan
Into the abyss sealed
bound for a thousand years

After that he must be / released for a little while

Out to lead astray the nations
to muster them for battle
up over the breadth of the earth
surrounded the camp of the saints
ready to fight the bloved city

In the end, they will be / Forever in, the lake of fire?

Fire came down from heaven
the devil who deceived them
flung into the lake of fire
to the beast and the false prophet
tortoured day and night forever

Mirror lyrics:

tortoured day and night forever
to the beast and the false prophet
flung into the lake of fire
the devil who deceived them
Fire came down from heaven

In the end, they will be / Forever in, the lake of fire?

ready to fight the bloved city
surrounded the camp of the saints
up over the breadth of the earth
to muster them for battle
Out to lead astray the nations

After that he must be / released for a little while

bound for a thousand years
Into the abyss sealed
who is the devil and satan
he seized the serpent of old
holding the key to the abyss
An angel descending from heaven

Relevant Tags:
TThe DDefeat OOf SSatan he efeat f atan hTe eDfeat fO aStan fhe xefeat kf zatan fThe xDefeat kOf zSatan Tfhe Dxefeat Okf Szatan
5he eefeat 9f watan 5The eDefeat 9Of wSatan T5he Deefeat O9f Swatan hhe fefeat 0f datan hThe fDefeat 0Of dSatan Thhe Dfefeat O0f Sdatan
yhe refeat lf eatan yThe rDefeat lOf eSatan Tyhe Drefeat Olf Seatan 6he cefeat if xatan 6The cDefeat iOf xSatan T6he Dcefeat Oif Sxatan
ghe sefeat Off aatan gThe sDefeat O aSatan Tghe Dsefeat Of Saatan rhe Oc rThe Dfeat Ocf Stan Trhe Dfeeat Ofc Staan
Dsfeat Or Sztan Te Orf Teh Desfeat Ofr Saztan Tje D3feat Og Sqtan Tjhe D3efeat Ogf Sqatan Thje De3feat Ofg Saqtan
Tue Dffeat Ot Sstan Tuhe Otf Ssatan Thue Deffeat Oft Sastan Tne Drfeat Ov Swtan Tnhe Ovf Thne Derfeat Ofv Sawtan
Tbe D4feat Od Sxtan Tbhe D4efeat Odf Thbe De4feat Ofd Saxtan Tge Ddfeat Sattan Ddefeat Saan Thge Dedfeat Saatn
Tye Dwfeat Safan Dwefeat Saftan Thye Dewfeat Satfan Thee Sa5an Th Deeat Sa5tan The Deefat Sat5an
Ths Deceat Sahan Thse Decfeat Sahtan Thes Defceat Sathan Th3 Dereat Sayan Th3e Saytan The3 Defreat Satyan
Thf Degeat Sa6an Thfe Degfeat Sa6tan Thef Defgeat Sat6an Thr Deteat Sagan Thre Detfeat Sagtan Ther Defteat Satgan

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