Antonio Banderas
And The Money Kept Rolling In (and Out)

And the money kept rolling in from every side
Eva's pretty hands reached out and they reached wide
Now you may feel it should have been a voluntary cause
But that's not the point my friends

When the money keeps rolling in you don't ask how
Think of all the people guaranteed a good time now
Eva's called the hungry to her, open up the doors
Never been a fund like the Foundation Eva Peron

Rollin', rollin', rollin'

Rollin' on in, rollin' on in
Rollin' on in, rollin' on in
On in

Would you like to try a college education?
Own your landlord's house, take the family on vacation?
Eva and her blessed fund can make your dreams come true
Here's all you have to do my friends

Write your name and your dream on a card or a pad or a ticket
Throw it high in the air and should our lady pick it
She will change your way of life for a week or even two
Name me anyone who cares as much as Eva Peron

Rollin', rollin', rollin'

Rollin' on out, rollin' on out
Rollin' on out, rollin' on out
On out

And the money kept rolling out in all directions
To the poor, to the weak, to the destitute of all complexions
Now cynics claim a little of the cash has gone astray
But that's not the point my friends

When the money keeps rolling out you don't keep books
You can tell you've done well by the happy, grateful looks
Accountants only slow things down, figures get in the way
Never been a lady loved as much as Eva Peron

Rollin', rollin', rollin'

Rollin' on out, rollin' on out
Rollin' on out, rollin' on out
On out, Eva

When the money keeps rolling out you don't keep books
You can tell you've done well by the happy, grateful looks
Accountants only slow things down, figures get in the way
Never been a lady loved as much as Eva Peron

Rollin', rollin', rollin'

Rollin' on out, rollin' on out
Rollin' on out, rollin' on out
Rollin' on out, rollin' on out
On out

Mirror lyrics:

On out
Rollin' on out, rollin' on out
Rollin' on out, rollin' on out
Rollin' on out, rollin' on out

Rollin', rollin', rollin'

Never been a lady loved as much as Eva Peron
Accountants only slow things down, figures get in the way
You can tell you've done well by the happy, grateful looks
When the money keeps rolling out you don't keep books

On out, Eva
Rollin' on out, rollin' on out
Rollin' on out, rollin' on out

Rollin', rollin', rollin'

Never been a lady loved as much as Eva Peron
Accountants only slow things down, figures get in the way
You can tell you've done well by the happy, grateful looks
When the money keeps rolling out you don't keep books

But that's not the point my friends
Now cynics claim a little of the cash has gone astray
To the poor, to the weak, to the destitute of all complexions
And the money kept rolling out in all directions

On out
Rollin' on out, rollin' on out
Rollin' on out, rollin' on out

Rollin', rollin', rollin'

Name me anyone who cares as much as Eva Peron
She will change your way of life for a week or even two
Throw it high in the air and should our lady pick it
Write your name and your dream on a card or a pad or a ticket

Here's all you have to do my friends
Eva and her blessed fund can make your dreams come true
Own your landlord's house, take the family on vacation?
Would you like to try a college education?

On in
Rollin' on in, rollin' on in
Rollin' on in, rollin' on in

Rollin', rollin', rollin'

Never been a fund like the Foundation Eva Peron
Eva's called the hungry to her, open up the doors
Think of all the people guaranteed a good time now
When the money keeps rolling in you don't ask how

But that's not the point my friends
Now you may feel it should have been a voluntary cause
Eva's pretty hands reached out and they reached wide
And the money kept rolling in from every side

Relevant Tags:
AAnd TThe MMoney KKept RRolling IIn ((and OOut) nd he oney ept olling n and ut) nAd hTe oMney eKpt oRlling nI a(nd uOt)
znd fhe joney lept dolling jn (aand kut) zAnd fThe jMoney lKept dRolling jIn (nd kOut) Aznd Tfhe Mjoney Klept Rdolling Ijn (nad Okut)
qnd 5he koney oept 4olling 9n (znd 9ut) qAnd 5The kMoney oKept 4Rolling 9In (zand 9Out) Aqnd T5he Mkoney Koept R4olling I9n (aznd O9ut)
snd hhe noney mept golling ln (qnd 0ut) sAnd hThe nMoney mKept gRolling lIn (qand 0Out) Asnd Thhe Mnoney Kmept Rgolling Iln (aqnd O0ut)
wnd yhe Mooney jept tolling on (snd lut) wAnd yThe Mney jKept tRolling oIn (sand lOut) Awnd Tyhe Mnoey Kjept Rtolling Ion (asnd Olut)
xnd 6he Mkney iept 5olling kn (wnd iut) xAnd 6The iKept 5Rolling kIn (wand iOut) Axnd T6he Mokney Kiept R5olling Ikn (awnd Oiut)
Annd ghe M9ney Keept folling 8n (xnd Ouut) Ad gThe M9oney Kpt fRolling 8In (xand Ot) Adn Tghe Mo9ney Kpet Rfolling I8n (axnd Otu)
Amd rhe M0ney Kspt eolling un (annd Oht) Amnd rThe M0oney Ksept eRolling uIn (ad Ohut) Anmd Trhe Mo0ney Kespt Reolling Iun (adn Ouht)
Ahd Mlney K3pt Roolling Inn (amd O7t) Ahnd Te Mloney K3ept Rlling I (amnd O7ut) Anhd Teh Molney Ke3pt Rloling In (anmd Ou7t)
Ajd Tje Miney Kfpt Rklling Im (ahd Okt) Ajnd Tjhe Mioney Kfept Rkolling Imn (ahnd Anjd Thje Moiney Kefpt Roklling Inm (anhd Oukt)
Abd Tue Monney Krpt R9lling Ih (ajd Oit) Abnd Tuhe Moey Krept R9olling Ihn (ajnd Anbd Thue Moeny Kerpt Ro9lling Inh (anjd Ouit)
Andd Tne Momey K4pt R0lling Ij (abd O8t) An Tnhe Momney K4ept R0olling (abnd O8ut) And Thne Monmey Ke4pt Ro0lling Inj (anbd Ou8t)
Anx Tbe Mohey Kdpt Rllling Ib (andd Ojt) Anxd Tbhe Mohney Kdept Rlolling Ibn (an Ojut) Andx Thbe Monhey Kedpt Rollling Inb (and Oujt)
Ane Tge Mojey Kwpt Rilling (anx Oyt) Aned Mojney Kwept Riolling (anxd Oyut) Ande Thge Monjey Kewpt Roilling (andx Ouyt)
Anf Tye Mobey Keppt (ane Outt) Anfd Mobney Ket Roling (aned Ou) Andf Thye Monbey Ketp Rolling (ande Ou)t
Anr Thee Moneey Ke0t Rokling (anf Ouf) Anrd Th Mony Ke0pt (anfd Ouft) Andr The Monye Kep0t Rolkling (andf Outf)
Anc Ths Monsy Kelt Rooling (anr Ou5) Ancd Thse Monsey Kelpt (anrd Ou5t) Andc Thes Monesy Keplt Rololing (andr Out5)
Ans Th3 Mon3y Keot Ropling (anc Ouh) Ansd Th3e Mon3ey Keopt Roplling (ancd Ands The3 Mone3y Kepot Rolpling (andc Outh)
Thf Monfy Keptt (ans Ouy) Thfe Monfey Kep (ansd

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