Avenged Sevenfold
Tonight The World Dies

Lost the meaning of our stay
Learn to live another day
Doubt the choices that we've made
I know that we can hide our shame
It's only in disguise

Drowning in our own debris
Fool of thoughts as though we're free
Close our eyes so we can see
The depth of all we mean to be
If only in my eyes

i dont mind (Read the writing on the wall)
Mother cries (Tortured voices as we crawl)
Find me on my better days
To lost it once again, in a way

So try and love me while you can
And take the time to understand
As long as I can touch your face
You know I'll never leave this place
If only in my mind

I don't mind (read the writing on the wall)
Mother cries (tortured voices as we crawl)
Find me on my better days
To lose it once again, in a way
But I seem to find better ways to consciously pretend

Silence all I wanna say
With tendencies to run away
I run away with you tonight
Launder all my sins away
And just like that mistakes are made
You know, tonight the world dies

I don't mind (read the writing on the wall)
Mother cries (tortured voices as we crawl)
Find me on my better days
To lose it once again
But I seem to find better ways to consciously pretend

Mirror lyrics:

But I seem to find better ways to consciously pretend
To lose it once again
Find me on my better days
Mother cries (tortured voices as we crawl)
I don't mind (read the writing on the wall)

You know, tonight the world dies
And just like that mistakes are made
Launder all my sins away
I run away with you tonight
With tendencies to run away
Silence all I wanna say

But I seem to find better ways to consciously pretend
To lose it once again, in a way
Find me on my better days
Mother cries (tortured voices as we crawl)
I don't mind (read the writing on the wall)

If only in my mind
You know I'll never leave this place
As long as I can touch your face
And take the time to understand
So try and love me while you can

To lost it once again, in a way
Find me on my better days
Mother cries (Tortured voices as we crawl)
i dont mind (Read the writing on the wall)

If only in my eyes
The depth of all we mean to be
Close our eyes so we can see
Fool of thoughts as though we're free
Drowning in our own debris

It's only in disguise
I know that we can hide our shame
Doubt the choices that we've made
Learn to live another day
Lost the meaning of our stay

Relevant Tags:
TTonight TThe WWorld DDies onight he orld ies oTnight hTe oWrld iDes fonight fhe aorld xies fTonight fThe aWorld xDies Tfonight Tfhe Waorld Dxies
5onight 5he 3orld eies 5Tonight 5The 3World eDies T5onight T5he W3orld Deies honight hhe dorld fies hTonight hThe dWorld fDies Thonight Thhe Wdorld Dfies
yonight yhe eorld ries yTonight yThe eWorld rDies Tyonight Tyhe Weorld Dries 6onight 6he sorld cies 6Tonight 6The sWorld cDies T6onight T6he Wsorld Dcies
gonight ghe 2orld sies gTonight gThe 2World sDies Tgonight Tghe W2orld Dsies ronight rhe qorld Diies rTonight rThe qWorld Des Tronight Trhe Wqorld Deis
Toonight Woorld Djes Tnight Te Wrld Djies Tnoight Teh Wrold Dijes Tknight Tje Wkrld D9es Tkonight Tjhe Wkorld D9ies Toknight Thje Wokrld Di9es
T9night Tue W9rld Dles T9onight Tuhe W9orld Dlies To9night Thue Wo9rld Diles T0night Tne W0rld Does T0onight Tnhe W0orld Doies To0night Thne Wo0rld Dioes
Tlnight Tbe Wlrld Dkes Tlonight Tbhe Wlorld Dkies Tolnight Thbe Wolrld Dikes Tinight Tge Wirld D8es Tionight Wiorld D8ies Toinight Thge Woirld Di8es
Tonnight Tye Worrld Dues Toight Wold Duies Toinght Thye Wolrd Diues Tomight Thee Wodld Diees Tomnight Th Wodrld Dis Tonmight The Wordld Dise
Tohight Ths Wo4ld Diss Tohnight Thse Wo4rld Dises Tonhight Thes Wor4ld Diess Tojight Th3 Wogld Di3s Tojnight Th3e Wogrld Di3es Tonjight The3 Worgld Die3s
Tobight Thf Wotld Difs Tobnight Thfe Wotrld Difes Tonbight Thef Wortld Diefs Toniight Thr Wo5ld Dirs Tonght Thre Wo5rld Dires Tongiht Ther Wor5ld Diers
Tonjght Th4 Wofld Di4s Th4e Wofrld Di4es Tonijght The4 Worfld Die4s Ton9ght Thd Woeld Dids Ton9ight Thde Woerld Dides Toni9ght Thed Woreld Dieds
Tonlght Thw Worlld Diws Tonlight Thwe Word Diwes Tonilght Thew Wordl Diews Tonoght Workd

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