The End Of Our Ride

Try to freeze the moment
She's as close as possible
To the enemy
To the wall
Try to breath through the smoke
Get as high as possible
To resist what flows
To survive the ride

I thank what's almighty that I never looked
Never looked into your eyes
I hate the times that we are parted
Not in flesh but in mind
I could kill to find away to lift your curse
But I am hoping for life
I fear that the end of the falling will
Be the end of our ride

Try to flee the moment
He's as dark as possible
To make sure he's living
Wrapped in cloaks
Loves the shattered clouds
As they kiss his crown
Can't resist what flows
To deny the ride

I thank what's almighty that I never looked
Never looked into your eyes
I hate the times that we are parted
Not in flesh but in mind
I could kill to find away to lift your curse
But I am hoping for life
I fear that the end of the falling will
Be the end of our ride

Try to read the movements
To save some lives
Try to laugh at moments
When the stakes are too high to take on

I thank what's almighty that I never looked
Never looked into your eyes
I hate the times that we are parted
Not in flesh but in mind
I could kill to find away to lift your curse
But I am hoping for life
I fear that the end of the falling will
Be the end of our ride

Mirror lyrics:

Be the end of our ride
I fear that the end of the falling will
But I am hoping for life
I could kill to find away to lift your curse
Not in flesh but in mind
I hate the times that we are parted
Never looked into your eyes
I thank what's almighty that I never looked

When the stakes are too high to take on
Try to laugh at moments
To save some lives
Try to read the movements

Be the end of our ride
I fear that the end of the falling will
But I am hoping for life
I could kill to find away to lift your curse
Not in flesh but in mind
I hate the times that we are parted
Never looked into your eyes
I thank what's almighty that I never looked

To deny the ride
Can't resist what flows
As they kiss his crown
Loves the shattered clouds
Wrapped in cloaks
To make sure he's living
He's as dark as possible
Try to flee the moment

Be the end of our ride
I fear that the end of the falling will
But I am hoping for life
I could kill to find away to lift your curse
Not in flesh but in mind
I hate the times that we are parted
Never looked into your eyes
I thank what's almighty that I never looked

To survive the ride
To resist what flows
Get as high as possible
Try to breath through the smoke
To the wall
To the enemy
She's as close as possible
Try to freeze the moment

Relevant Tags:
TThe EEnd OOf OOur RRide he nd f ur ide hTe nEd fO uOr iRde fhe snd kf kur dide fThe sEnd kOf kOur dRide Tfhe Esnd Okf Okur Rdide
5he 3nd 9f 9ur 4ide 5The 3End 9Of 9Our 4Ride T5he E3nd O9f O9ur R4ide hhe fnd 0f 0ur gide hThe fEnd 0Of 0Our gRide Thhe Efnd O0f O0ur Rgide
yhe rnd lf lur tide yThe rEnd lOf lOur tRide Tyhe Ernd Olf Olur Rtide 6he 4nd if iur 5ide 6The 4End iOf iOur 5Ride T6he E4nd Oif Oiur R5ide
ghe dnd Off Ouur fide gThe dEnd O Or fRide Tghe Ednd Of Oru Rfide rhe wnd Oc Ohr eide rThe wEnd Ocf Ohur eRide Trhe Ewnd Ofc Ouhr Reide
Ennd Or O7r Riide Te Ed Orf O7ur Rde Teh Edn Ofr Ou7r Rdie Tje Emd Og Okr Rjde Tjhe Emnd Ogf Rjide Thje Enmd Ofg Oukr Rijde
Tue Ehd Ot Oir R9de Tuhe Ehnd Otf R9ide Thue Enhd Oft Ouir Ri9de Tne Ejd Ov O8r Rlde Tnhe Ejnd Ovf O8ur Rlide Thne Enjd Ofv Ou8r Rilde
Tbe Ebd Od Ojr Rode Tbhe Ebnd Odf Ojur Roide Thbe Enbd Ofd Oujr Riode Tge Endd Oyr Rkde En Oyur Rkide Thge End Ouyr Rikde
Tye Enx Ourr R8de Enxd Ou R8ide

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