Wait And See

I feel completely disconnected from the world I'm living in
I try to understand, the way I'm thinking
Keep all options open, I'd rather wait and see
What's gonna happen next
yeah I like to wait and see
what's gonna happen next
yeah I like to wait

I choke on all the information
That keeps getting thrown at me
How do you decide, what to do
With all the complications, all the doubts
Do you want it with or without

So now you just wait and see... hey
Now you just wait

Please don't be mad
But I already miss you
It doesn't matter anyway
I hope you missed your.. your runaway train

I wake to find myself asleep
weiry of life
I laugh, I'll moan, I'll cry
And I'll try not to wait

Please don't be mad
But I already miss you
It doesn't matter anyway
I hope you missed your.. your runaway train

No don't be mad
Cause I already miss you
It doesn't matter anyway
Let's hope you missed your.. your runaway train

I laugh, I'll moan, I'll cry
Your runaway train
I laugh, I'll moan, I'll cry
But anyway
I laugh, I'll moan, I'll cry
I already miss you, yeah
I laugh, I'll moan, I'll cry
It's such a shame
I laugh, I'll moan, I'll cry
I laugh, I'll moan, I'll cry
I already yeah
I already
I already miss you yeah
I already miss you yeah yeah yeah
I already miss you yeah
And I, I, I..
I already miss you yeah

I feel completely diconnected from the world I'm living in
I try to understand, the way I'm thinking
Keep all options open, I'd rather wait and see
What's gonna happen next

Mirror lyrics:

What's gonna happen next
Keep all options open, I'd rather wait and see
I try to understand, the way I'm thinking
I feel completely diconnected from the world I'm living in

I already miss you yeah
And I, I, I..
I already miss you yeah
I already miss you yeah yeah yeah
I already miss you yeah
I already
I already yeah
I laugh, I'll moan, I'll cry
I laugh, I'll moan, I'll cry
It's such a shame
I laugh, I'll moan, I'll cry
I already miss you, yeah
I laugh, I'll moan, I'll cry
But anyway
I laugh, I'll moan, I'll cry
Your runaway train
I laugh, I'll moan, I'll cry

Let's hope you missed your.. your runaway train
It doesn't matter anyway
Cause I already miss you
No don't be mad

I hope you missed your.. your runaway train
It doesn't matter anyway
But I already miss you
Please don't be mad

And I'll try not to wait
I laugh, I'll moan, I'll cry
weiry of life
I wake to find myself asleep

I hope you missed your.. your runaway train
It doesn't matter anyway
But I already miss you
Please don't be mad

Now you just wait
So now you just wait and see... hey

Do you want it with or without
With all the complications, all the doubts
How do you decide, what to do
That keeps getting thrown at me
I choke on all the information

yeah I like to wait
what's gonna happen next
yeah I like to wait and see
What's gonna happen next
Keep all options open, I'd rather wait and see
I try to understand, the way I'm thinking
I feel completely disconnected from the world I'm living in

Relevant Tags:
WWait AAnd SSee ait nd ee aWit nAd eSe aait znd zee aWait zAnd zSee Waait Aznd Szee 3ait qnd wee 3Wait qAnd wSee W3ait Aqnd Swee
dait snd dee dWait sAnd dSee Wdait Asnd Sdee eait wnd eee eWait wAnd eSee Weait Awnd Seee sait xnd xee sWait xAnd xSee Wsait Axnd Sxee
2ait Annd aee 2Wait Ad aSee W2ait Adn Saee qait Amd qWait Amnd Se Wqait Anmd See Ahd Sse Wit Ahnd Ssee Wiat Anhd Sese
Wzit Ajd S3e Wzait Ajnd S3ee Wazit Anjd Se3e Wqit Abd Sfe Abnd Sfee Waqit Anbd Sefe Wsit Andd Sre An Sree Wasit And Sere
Wwit Anx S4e Wwait Anxd S4ee Wawit Andx Se4e Wxit Ane Sde Wxait Aned Waxit Ande Sede Waiit Anf Swe Wat Anfd

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