Between These Walls

Between these walls

Between these walls I used to live
Without receiving
So much that I had to give
Between these walls
There were a lot of things that I've could
have done differently
But it ain't about the way I live
It's the heart that counts

Comfort, feed, embrace, love and protect me
Ain't that what I'm here for, you said you'd be here for me
No matter what

How come it feels so cold every time
you step into this room
Why does it feel so cold when you're mine?

In the spring of ‘75 that's when God made a mistake
He took me here
To the wrong side
I guess you did the best you could
But never good enough
Cause it's the heart that counts

Comfort, feed, embrace, love and protect me
Ain't that what I'm here for?!
You said you would die for me, remember?

How come it feels so cold every time you step into this room
Why does it feel so cold
I'm freezing

Stuck here with this broken heart
All I can do is hoping for a full recovery
Why did you have me in the first place?

Well.. Comfort, feed, embrace, love and protect me, yeah
Comfort, feed, embrace, baby just respect me

How come it feels.. so cold every time

Comfort, feed, embrace, love and respect me
Just respect me..
Just respect me..
How come it feels so cold every time..
Baby love me
Baby love me
You love me, yeah
Oh love me, yeah
Just love me, yeah (2x)

Mirror lyrics:

Just love me, yeah (2x)
Oh love me, yeah
You love me, yeah
Baby love me
Baby love me
How come it feels so cold every time..
Just respect me..
Just respect me..
Comfort, feed, embrace, love and respect me

How come it feels.. so cold every time

Comfort, feed, embrace, baby just respect me
Well.. Comfort, feed, embrace, love and protect me, yeah

Why did you have me in the first place?
All I can do is hoping for a full recovery
Stuck here with this broken heart

I'm freezing
Why does it feel so cold
How come it feels so cold every time you step into this room

You said you would die for me, remember?
Ain't that what I'm here for?!
Comfort, feed, embrace, love and protect me

Cause it's the heart that counts
But never good enough
I guess you did the best you could
To the wrong side
He took me here
In the spring of ‘75 that's when God made a mistake

Why does it feel so cold when you're mine?
you step into this room
How come it feels so cold every time

No matter what
Ain't that what I'm here for, you said you'd be here for me
Comfort, feed, embrace, love and protect me

It's the heart that counts
But it ain't about the way I live
have done differently
There were a lot of things that I've could
Between these walls
So much that I had to give
Without receiving
Between these walls I used to live

Between these walls

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BBetween TThese WWalls etween hese alls eBtween hTese aWlls vetween fhese aalls vBetween fThese aWalls Bvetween Tfhese Waalls
getween 5hese 3alls gBetween 5These 3Walls Bgetween T5hese W3alls netween hhese dalls nBetween hThese dWalls Bnetween Thhese Wdalls
hetween yhese ealls hBetween yThese eWalls Bhetween Tyhese Wealls Beetween 6hese salls Btween 6These sWalls Bteween T6hese Wsalls
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Befween Tyese Wallls Wals Betfween Thyese Walls Be5ween Theese Wakls Be5tween Thse Waklls Bet5ween Thsee Walkls
Behween Thsse Waols Behtween Thsese Waolls Bethween Thesse Walols Beyween Th3se Wapls Beytween Th3ese Waplls Betyween The3se Walpls
Be6ween Thfse Be6tween Thfese Bet6ween Thefse Walsl Begween Thrse Walks Begtween Threse Betgween Therse Wallks
Berween Th4se Walos Th4ese Betrween The4se Wallos Betwween Thdse Walps Beteen Thdese Betewen Thedse Wallps
Betaeen Thwse Wallss

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