Too Far Gone

Try it if you must, to change my destiny
Can't you see that this is part of me
The pressure's building, I can't take the load
The more you push me, the more I explode

Never gonna break you
Never gonna shake you
From the path you're on
Cause you're too far gone

A test of will and a test of might
The target's set, my goal in sight
Hell-bent, I got a one-track mind
Get in my way, I'll leave you all behind
Hell-bent, I got a one-track mind
I'll do what I want cause this is my time

They're gonna try to break you
They're gonna try to shake you
From the path you're on
Cause you're too far gone

They'll always try to break you
They'll always gonna shake you

Mirror lyrics:

They'll always gonna shake you
They'll always try to break you

Cause you're too far gone
From the path you're on
They're gonna try to shake you
They're gonna try to break you

I'll do what I want cause this is my time
Hell-bent, I got a one-track mind
Get in my way, I'll leave you all behind
Hell-bent, I got a one-track mind
The target's set, my goal in sight
A test of will and a test of might

Cause you're too far gone
From the path you're on
Never gonna shake you
Never gonna break you

The more you push me, the more I explode
The pressure's building, I can't take the load
Can't you see that this is part of me
Try it if you must, to change my destiny

Relevant Tags:
TToo FFar GGone oo ar one oTo aFr oGne foo car hone fToo cFar hGone Tfoo Fcar Ghone 5oo rar yone 5Too rFar yGone T5oo Frar Gyone
hoo gar bone hToo gFar bGone Thoo Fgar Gbone yoo tar vone yToo tFar vGone Tyoo Ftar Gvone 6oo var fone 6Too vFar fGone T6oo Fvar Gfone
goo dar tone gToo dFar tGone Tgoo Fdar Gtone roo Faar Goone rToo Fr Gne Troo Fra Gnoe Tooo Fzr Gkne To Fzar Gkone Too Fazr Gokne
Tko Fqr G9ne Tkoo Fqar G9one Toko Faqr Go9ne T9o Fsr G0ne T9oo Fsar G0one To9o Fasr Go0ne T0o Fwr Glne T0oo Fwar Glone To0o Fawr Golne
Tlo Fxr Gine Tloo Fxar Gione Tolo Faxr Goine

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