Rage Absolute

I'm felling anger, I feel rage
You see it coming from a mile away
Built up inside, I lose control
My blood boils, I can't take it anymore
Do what I want, do what I say
It's you that makes me act this way
You are my reason to un load
And I am ready to explode

Someone tell me why I'm feeling
Like I want to give a beating
Rage absolute I got rage

This fury, it starts to biuld
An eruption set to blow
The explosion and the aftermath
Never happened, you know
So irritating and so frustrating
I hate everything that you do
But you can't leave me, you can't deceive me
Or I'll run you

It's in my blood, is what you say, they're all like me
Perfectly acceptable to rage in the family

You keep my secret, until you die
They won't believe you, I will deny
So run away and tell someone
Cause I will finish you and you'll be done
You made me do it, you brought me to it
That's all I have to say
Forget about it, it's all your fault
And wipe those tears away

Mirror lyrics:

And wipe those tears away
Forget about it, it's all your fault
That's all I have to say
You made me do it, you brought me to it
Cause I will finish you and you'll be done
So run away and tell someone
They won't believe you, I will deny
You keep my secret, until you die

Perfectly acceptable to rage in the family
It's in my blood, is what you say, they're all like me

Or I'll run you
But you can't leave me, you can't deceive me
I hate everything that you do
So irritating and so frustrating
Never happened, you know
The explosion and the aftermath
An eruption set to blow
This fury, it starts to biuld

Rage absolute I got rage
Like I want to give a beating
Someone tell me why I'm feeling

And I am ready to explode
You are my reason to un load
It's you that makes me act this way
Do what I want, do what I say
My blood boils, I can't take it anymore
Built up inside, I lose control
You see it coming from a mile away
I'm felling anger, I feel rage

Relevant Tags:
RRage AAbsolute age bsolute aRge bAsolute dage zbsolute dRage zAbsolute Rdage Azbsolute 4age qbsolute 4Rage qAbsolute R4age Aqbsolute
gage sbsolute gRage sAbsolute Rgage Asbsolute tage wbsolute tRage wAbsolute Rtage Awbsolute 5age xbsolute 5Rage xAbsolute R5age Axbsolute
fage Abbsolute fRage Asolute Rfage Asbolute eage Avsolute eRage Avbsolute Reage Abvsolute Raage Agsolute Rge Agbsolute Rgae Abgsolute
Rzge Ansolute Rzage Anbsolute Razge Abnsolute Rqge Ahsolute Rqage Ahbsolute Raqge Abhsolute Rsge Abssolute Rsage Abolute Rasge Aboslute
Rwge Abzolute Rwage Abzsolute Rawge Abszolute Rxge Abwolute Rxage Abwsolute Raxge Abswolute Ragge Abdolute Rae Abdsolute Raeg Absdolute
Rahe Abeolute Rahge Abesolute Raghe Abseolute Raye Abxolute Rayge Abxsolute Ragye Absxolute Rabe Abaolute Rabge Abasolute Ragbe Absaolute
Rave Absoolute Ravge Abslute Ragve Absloute Rafe Absklute Rafge Abskolute Ragfe Absoklute Rate Abs9lute Ratge Abs9olute Ragte Abso9lute
Ragee Abs0lute Rag Abs0olute Rage Abso0lute Rags Absllute Ragse Abslolute Rages Absollute Rag3 Absilute Rag3e Absiolute Rage3 Absoilute
Ragf Absoute

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