Annie Lennox
(i'm Always Touched) By Your Presence, Dear

Was it destiny? I don't know yet
Was it just by chance? Could this be Kismet?
Something in my consciousness told me you'd appear
Now I'm always touched by your presence dear
When we play at cards you use an extra sense
You can read my hand, I've got no defence
When you sent your messages whispered loud and clear
I am always touched by your presence dear
Floating past the evidence of possibilities
We could navigate together, psychic frequencies

Coming into contact with outer entities
We could entertain each one with our theosophies

Stay awake at night and count your R.E.M.'s
When you're talking with your super friends
Levitating lovers in the secret stratosphere
I am still in touch with your presence dear
I am still in touch with your presence dear
I am still in touch with your presence dear, dear, dear, dear, dear

Mirror lyrics:

I am still in touch with your presence dear, dear, dear, dear, dear
I am still in touch with your presence dear
I am still in touch with your presence dear
Levitating lovers in the secret stratosphere
When you're talking with your super friends
Stay awake at night and count your R.E.M.'s

We could entertain each one with our theosophies
Coming into contact with outer entities

We could navigate together, psychic frequencies
Floating past the evidence of possibilities
I am always touched by your presence dear
When you sent your messages whispered loud and clear
You can read my hand, I've got no defence
When we play at cards you use an extra sense
Now I'm always touched by your presence dear
Something in my consciousness told me you'd appear
Was it just by chance? Could this be Kismet?
Was it destiny? I don't know yet

Relevant Tags:
((i'm AAlways TTouched) BBy YYour PPresence, DDear i'm lways ouched) y our resence, ear i('m lAways oTuched) yB oYur rPesence, eDar
(ii'm zlways fouched) vy gour 0resence, xear ('m zAlways fTouched) vBy gYour 0Presence, xDear ('im Azlways Tfouched) Bvy Ygour P0resence, Dxear
(j'm qlways 5ouched) gy hour lresence, eear (ji'm qAlways 5Touched) gBy hYour lPresence, eDear (ij'm Aqlways T5ouched) Bgy Yhour Plresence, Deear
(9'm slways houched) ny 6our oresence, fear (9i'm sAlways hTouched) nBy 6Your oPresence, fDear (i9'm Aslways Thouched) Bny Y6our Poresence, Dfear
(l'm wlways youched) hy uour Prresence, rear (li'm wAlways yTouched) hBy uYour Pesence, rDear (il'm Awlways Tyouched) Bhy Yuour Persence, Drear
(o'm xlways 6ouched) Byy 7our Pdesence, cear (oi'm xAlways 6Touched) B 7Your Pdresence, cDear (io'm Axlways T6ouched) By Y7our Prdesence, Dcear
(k'm Allways gouched) Bg jour P4esence, sear (ki'm Aways gTouched) jYour P4resence, sDear (ik'm Awlays Tgouched) Byg Yjour Pr4esence, Dsear
(8'm Akways rouched) Bh tour Pgesence, (8i'm Aklways rTouched) tYour Pgresence, Dar (i8'm Alkways Trouched) Byh Ytour Prgesence, Daer
(u'm Aoways Toouched) B6 Yoour Ptesence, Dsar (ui'm Aolways Tuched) B6y Yur Ptresence, (iu'm Aloways Tuoched) By6 Yuor Prtesence, Desar
(i''m Apways Tkuched) Bu Ykur P5esence, D3ar (im Aplways Tkouched) Buy Ykour P5resence, D3ear (im' Alpways Tokuched) Byu Yokur Pr5esence, De3ar
(i'mm Alwways T9uched) B7 Y9ur Pfesence, Dfar (i' Alays T9ouched) B7y Y9our Pfresence, (i'm Alawys To9uched) By7 Yo9ur Prfesence, Defar
(i'j Alaays T0uched) Bj Y0ur Peesence, Drar (i'jm Alaways T0ouched) Bjy Y0our Peresence, (i'mj Alwaays To0uched) Byj Yo0ur Preesence, Derar
(i'k Al3ays Tluched) Bt Ylur D4ar (i'km Al3ways Tlouched) Bty Ylour Prsence, D4ear (i'mk Alw3ays Toluched) Byt Yolur Prseence, De4ar
(i'n Aldays Tiuched) Yiur Prssence, Ddar (i'nm Aldways Tiouched) Yiour Prsesence, Ddear (i'mn Alwdays Toiuched) Yoiur Pressence, Dedar
Aleays Touuched) Youur Pr3sence, Dwar Aleways Toched) Yor Pr3esence, Dwear Alweays Tocuhed) Yoru Pre3sence, Dewar
Alsays Tohched) Yohr Prfsence, Deaar Alsways Tohuched) Yohur Der Alwsays Touhched) Youhr Prefsence, Dera
Al2ays To7ched) Yo7r Prrsence, Dezr Al2ways To7uched) Yo7ur Dezar Alw2ays Tou7ched) You7r Prersence, Deazr
Alqays Tokched) Yokr Pr4sence, Deqr Alqways Deqar Alwqays Toukched) Youkr Pre4sence, Deaqr
Toiched) Yoir Prdsence, Desr Alwys Alwyas Touiched) Youir Predsence, Deasr
Alwzys To8ched) Yo8r Prwsence, Dewr Alwzays To8uched) Yo8ur Prwesence, Alwazys Tou8ched) You8r Prewsence, Deawr
Alwqys Tojched) Yojr Dexr Tojuched) Yojur Preence, Dexar Alwaqys Toujched) Youjr Preesnce, Deaxr
Alwsys Toyched) Yoyr Prezence, Dearr Toyuched) Yoyur Prezsence, Dea Alwasys Touyched) Youyr Preszence, Dear
Alwwys Toucched) Yourr Prewence, Dead Touhed) You Deadr Alwawys Touhced) Your Preswence, Deard
Alwxys Toufhed) Youd Predence, Dea4 Alwxays Toufched) Youdr Dea4r Alwaxys Toucfhed) Yourd Presdence, Dear4
Alwayys Touxhed) You4 Preeence, Deag Alwas Touxched) You4r Deagr

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