Anne Murray
Trust Me Baby, This Is Love

(Anne Murray)

I look at this mountain
So many heaertaches wide
I can't help but wonder
Where's the other side
I've got to be honest
I've got my doubts
These tears are asking me
What's this got to do with love?
Darling please tell me something
Won't you make me feel that it's all right

When this trouble passes over
You and I will walk away
Knowing that our love survived
Another test of faith
You and I can walk on water
The river rises, we rise above
It may not look that way right now but
Trust me baby this is love

Love isn't easy
I'm torn I confess
When a heart is uncertain
It's bound to second guess
So hold me close until tomorrow
And say the words i long to hear

Mirror lyrics:

And say the words i long to hear
So hold me close until tomorrow
It's bound to second guess
When a heart is uncertain
I'm torn I confess
Love isn't easy

Trust me baby this is love
It may not look that way right now but
The river rises, we rise above
You and I can walk on water
Another test of faith
Knowing that our love survived
You and I will walk away
When this trouble passes over

Won't you make me feel that it's all right
Darling please tell me something
What's this got to do with love?
These tears are asking me
I've got my doubts
I've got to be honest
Where's the other side
I can't help but wonder
So many heaertaches wide
I look at this mountain

(Anne Murray)

Relevant Tags:
TTrust MMe BBaby, TThis IIs LLove rust e aby, his s ove rTust eM aBby, hTis sI oLve frust je vaby, fhis js kove fTrust jMe vBaby, fThis jIs kLove
Tfrust Mje Bvaby, Tfhis Ijs Lkove 5rust ke gaby, 5his 9s oove 5Trust kMe gBaby, 5This 9Is oLove T5rust Mke Bgaby, T5his I9s Loove hrust ne naby, hhis ls pove
hTrust nMe nBaby, hThis lIs pLove Thrust Mne Bnaby, Thhis Ils Lpove yrust Mee haby, yhis os yTrust M hBaby, yThis oIs Lve Tyrust Me Bhaby, Tyhis Ios Lvoe
6rust Ms Baaby, 6his ks Lkve 6Trust Mse Bby, 6This kIs T6rust Mes Bbay, T6his Iks Lokve grust M3 Bzby, ghis 8s L9ve gTrust M3e Bzaby, gThis 8Is L9ove
Tgrust Me3 Bazby, Tghis I8s Lo9ve rrust Mf Bqby, rhis us L0ve rTrust Mfe Bqaby, rThis uIs L0ove Trrust Mef Baqby, Trhis Ius Lo0ve Mr Bsby, Iss Llve
Tust Mre Bsaby, Tis I Llove Turst Mer Basby, Tihs Is Lolve Tdust M4 Bwby, Tjis Iz Live Tdrust M4e Bwaby, Tjhis Izs Liove Trdust Me4 Bawby, Thjis Isz Loive
T4ust Md Bxby, Tuis Iw Lovve T4rust Mde Bxaby, Tuhis Iws Loe Tr4ust Med Baxby, Thuis Isw Loev Tgust Mw Babby, Tnis Id Lobe Mwe Bay, Tnhis Ids Lobve
Trgust Mew Bayb, Thnis Isd Lovbe Ttust Bavy, Tbis Ie Loce Ttrust Bavby, Tbhis Ies Locve Trtust Babvy, Thbis Ise Lovce T5ust Bagy, Tgis Ix Loge
Bagby, Ixs Logve Tr5ust Babgy, Thgis Isx Lovge Tfust Bany, Tyis Ia Lofe Banby, Ias Lofve Trfust Babny, Thyis Isa Lovfe
Teust Bahy, Thiis Lovee Terust Bahby, Ths Lov Treust Babhy, Thsi Love Truust Babyy, Thjs Lovs Trst Bab, Lovse
Trsut Bab,y Thijs Loves Trhst Babg, Th9s Lov3 Trhust Th9is Lov3e Truhst Babyg, Thi9s Love3 Tr7st Babh, Thls Lovf
Tr7ust Thlis Tru7st Babyh, Thils Lovef

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