Antony And The Johnsons
Child Of God

I know a man who curses his brother
I know a man who lives for no other
Always chasing after money
Thinks a poor man is funny
It's hard, it's hard to believe he's a child of God

I know a woman who steals from her mother
That same woman she gets drunk from one day to another
Kicks her kids out in the street
There's another man under their father's sheets
I find it hard, I find it hard, I find it hard
It's hard to believe she's a child of God

I know some people who go to church on sunday
These same people, they wear a sheet on monday
Talk about justice being free
They're watching lynchings so easily
I find it hard, I find it hard, I find it hard
It's hard to believe these are children of God

I find it hard to believe right now
These people call themselves children of God

Mirror lyrics:

These people call themselves children of God
I find it hard to believe right now

It's hard to believe these are children of God
I find it hard, I find it hard, I find it hard
They're watching lynchings so easily
Talk about justice being free
These same people, they wear a sheet on monday
I know some people who go to church on sunday

It's hard to believe she's a child of God
I find it hard, I find it hard, I find it hard
There's another man under their father's sheets
Kicks her kids out in the street
That same woman she gets drunk from one day to another
I know a woman who steals from her mother

It's hard, it's hard to believe he's a child of God
Thinks a poor man is funny
Always chasing after money
I know a man who lives for no other
I know a man who curses his brother

Relevant Tags:
CChild OOf GGod hild f od hCild fO oGd fhild kf hod fChild kOf hGod Cfhild Okf Ghod xhild 9f yod xChild 9Of yGod Cxhild O9f Gyod
vhild 0f bod vChild 0Of bGod Cvhild O0f Gbod dhild lf vod dChild lOf vGod Cdhild Olf Gvod Chhild if fod Cild iOf fGod Cihld Oif Gfod
Cjild Off tod Cjhild O tGod Chjild Of Gtod Cuild Oc Good Cuhild Ocf Gd Chuild Ofc Gdo Cnild Or Gkd Cnhild Orf Gkod Chnild Ofr Gokd
Cbild Og G9d Cbhild Ogf G9od Chbild Ofg Go9d Cgild Ot G0d Cghild Otf G0od Chgild Oft Go0d Cyild Ov Gld Cyhild Ovf Glod Chyild Ofv Gold
Chiild Od Gid Chld Odf Giod Chlid Ofd Goid Chjld Godd Go Chijld God Ch9ld Gox Ch9ild Goxd

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