Antony And The Johnsons
Candy Says (lou Reed Cover)

Candy says
I've come to hate my body
And all that it requires
In this world

Candy says
I'd like to know completely
What others so discretely
Talk about

I'm gonna watch the blue birds fly
Over my shoulder
I'm gonna watch them pass me by
Maybe when I'm older

What do you think I'd see
If I could walk away from me

Candy says
I hate the quiet places
That cause the smallest taste
Of what will be

Candy says
I hate the big decisions
That cause endless revisions
In my mind

I'm gonna watch the blue birds fly
Over my shoulder
I'm gonna watch them pass me by
Maybe when I'm older

What do you think I'd see
If I could walk away from me

Mirror lyrics:

If I could walk away from me
What do you think I'd see

Maybe when I'm older
I'm gonna watch them pass me by
Over my shoulder
I'm gonna watch the blue birds fly

In my mind
That cause endless revisions
I hate the big decisions
Candy says

Of what will be
That cause the smallest taste
I hate the quiet places
Candy says

If I could walk away from me
What do you think I'd see

Maybe when I'm older
I'm gonna watch them pass me by
Over my shoulder
I'm gonna watch the blue birds fly

Talk about
What others so discretely
I'd like to know completely
Candy says

In this world
And all that it requires
I've come to hate my body
Candy says

Relevant Tags:
CCandy SSays ((lou RReed CCover) andy ays lou eed over) aCndy aSys l(ou eRed oCver) fandy zays (llou deed fover) fCandy zSays (ou dReed fCover)
Cfandy Szays (olu Rdeed Cfover) xandy ways (kou 4eed xover) xCandy wSays (klou 4Reed xCover) Cxandy Sways (lkou R4eed Cxover) vandy days (oou geed vover)
vCandy dSays (olou gReed vCover) Cvandy Sdays (loou Rgeed Cvover) dandy eays (pou teed dover) dCandy eSays (plou tReed dCover) Cdandy Seays (lpou Rteed Cdover)
Caandy xays 5eed Coover) Cndy xSays (lu 5Reed Cver) Cnady Sxays (luo R5eed Cvoer) Czndy aays (lku feed Ckver) Czandy aSays fReed Ckover)
Cazndy Saays (loku Rfeed Cokver) Cqndy (l9u eeed C9ver) Cqandy Sys (l9ou eReed C9over) Caqndy Syas (lo9u Reeed Co9ver) Csndy Szys (l0u C0ver)
Csandy (l0ou Red C0over) Casndy Sazys (lo0u Reed Co0ver) Cwndy Sqys (llu Rsed Clver) Cwandy Sqays Rseed Clover) Cawndy Saqys (lolu Resed Colver)
Cxndy Ssys (liu R3ed Civer) Ssays (liou R3eed Ciover) Caxndy Sasys (loiu Re3ed Coiver) Canndy Swys (louu Rfed Covver) Cady (lo Coer)
Cadny Sawys (lou Refed Coevr) Camdy Sxys (loh Rred Cober) Camndy (lohu Rreed Cobver) Canmdy Saxys (louh Rered Covber) Cahdy Sayys (lo7 R4ed Cocer)
Cahndy Sas (lo7u Cocver) Canhdy Sasy (lou7 Re4ed Covcer) Cajdy Sags (lok Rded Coger) Cajndy Sagys Cogver) Canjdy Saygs (louk Reded Covger)
Cabdy Sahs (loi Rwed Cofer) Cabndy Sahys Rweed Cofver)

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