Anna Abreu
Music Everywhere

I woke up this morning
To the intro of this song
My Ipod on the night stand
Shuffling pop and rock
I had a hit thr breakfast
And flipped the TV on
The videos were hideous
But they kickstarted the day
The day,the day, the day
I'm ready for the day, the day

Inside my head there's a radio station
I'm overcome with a sense of elation
Inside my head there's a radio station
Salvation on heavy rotation
Pop,pop and I don't care
As long as I'm on the air
And music is everywhere

I fired uo the engine
Heading for the highway
The stereo was way too loud
But that's what it's all about
Could have take yoga
But I need more stamina
The beats of the bodypump
Make me wanna play
The game, the game, the game
I'm reay for the game, the game, the game

Inside my head there's a radio station....

I'm pop and I'm corn, I'm on the air
I'm flat and I'm sharp and I'm everywhere
I'm in C, I'm in D, I'm in every key
I'm singing for you even when you're asleep

Inside my head there's a radio station...

The suits want to change me, but I won't budge
My style is out there for the scribes to judge
They say I'm shallow, I don't bear a grudge
I am who I am and that's more tha enough

Mirror lyrics:

I am who I am and that's more tha enough
They say I'm shallow, I don't bear a grudge
My style is out there for the scribes to judge
The suits want to change me, but I won't budge

Inside my head there's a radio station...

I'm singing for you even when you're asleep
I'm in C, I'm in D, I'm in every key
I'm flat and I'm sharp and I'm everywhere
I'm pop and I'm corn, I'm on the air

Inside my head there's a radio station....

I'm reay for the game, the game, the game
The game, the game, the game
Make me wanna play
The beats of the bodypump
But I need more stamina
Could have take yoga
But that's what it's all about
The stereo was way too loud
Heading for the highway
I fired uo the engine

And music is everywhere
As long as I'm on the air
Pop,pop and I don't care
Salvation on heavy rotation
Inside my head there's a radio station
I'm overcome with a sense of elation
Inside my head there's a radio station

I'm ready for the day, the day
The day,the day, the day
But they kickstarted the day
The videos were hideous
And flipped the TV on
I had a hit thr breakfast
Shuffling pop and rock
My Ipod on the night stand
To the intro of this song
I woke up this morning

Relevant Tags:
MMusic EEverywhere usic verywhere uMsic vEerywhere jusic sverywhere jMusic sEverywhere Mjusic Esverywhere kusic 3verywhere
kMusic 3Everywhere Mkusic E3verywhere nusic fverywhere nMusic fEverywhere Mnusic Efverywhere Muusic rverywhere Msic rEverywhere
Msuic Erverywhere Mhsic 4verywhere Mhusic 4Everywhere Muhsic E4verywhere M7sic dverywhere M7usic dEverywhere Mu7sic Edverywhere
Mksic wverywhere wEverywhere Muksic Ewverywhere Misic Evverywhere Miusic Eerywhere Muisic Eevrywhere M8sic Eberywhere
M8usic Ebverywhere Mu8sic Evberywhere Mjsic Ecerywhere Ecverywhere Mujsic Evcerywhere Mysic Egerywhere Myusic Egverywhere
Muysic Evgerywhere Mussic Eferywhere Muic Muisc Evferywhere Muzic Eveerywhere Muzsic Evrywhere Muszic Evreywhere
Muwic Evsrywhere Muwsic Evserywhere Muswic Evesrywhere Mudic Ev3rywhere Mudsic Ev3erywhere Musdic Eve3rywhere Mueic Evfrywhere
Muesic Museic Evefrywhere Muxic Evrrywhere Muxsic Evrerywhere Musxic Everrywhere Muaic Ev4rywhere Muasic Ev4erywhere
Musaic Eve4rywhere Musiic Evdrywhere Musc Evderywhere Musci Evedrywhere Musjc Evwrywhere Musjic Evwerywhere Musijc Evewrywhere
Mus9c Mus9ic Eveywhere Musi9c Eveyrwhere Muslc Evedywhere Muslic Musilc Everdywhere Musoc Eve4ywhere
Musoic Musioc Ever4ywhere Muskc Evegywhere Muskic Evegrywhere Musikc Evergywhere Mus8c Evetywhere Mus8ic Evetrywhere
Musi8c Evertywhere Musuc Eve5ywhere Musuic Eve5rywhere Musiuc Ever5ywhere Musicc Evefywhere Musi Music Everfywhere
Musif Eveeywhere Musifc Musicf Evereywhere Musix Everyywhere Musixc Everwhere Musicx Everwyhere Musiv Evergwhere
Musivc Musicv Everygwhere Musid Everhwhere Musidc Everhywhere Musicd Everyhwhere Ever6where Ever6ywhere
Every6where Everuwhere Everuywhere Everyuwhere Ever7where Ever7ywhere Every7where

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