Anja Garbarek
The Last Trick

From standing to crouching
Silently falling
Falling from nowhere to nowhere
Nothing between
Nothing beyond
Nothing behind the stars

This is the last trick I'll do
Sound can be seen
This is the main title
Briefly shaking

This is the last trick I'll do
Sound can be seen
This is the main title
Briefly shaking

Remain for some time
Down here below
Allowing the doubt to feed upon me
And even the ones
Who've never been
Are climbing the wail up ahead

I get up start crawling
Into the same
Over and over and over again
Smelling the plastic
Smelling the spit
And smelling my own breath

This is the last trick I'll do
Sound can be seen
This is the main title
Briefly shaking

This is the last trick I'll do
Sound can be seen
This is the main title
Briefly shaking

The presence convincing
The most of what I've written is false
I mention this
'Cause I'm talking in the light of what's known
I get out of the sun

This is the last trick I'll do
Sound can be seen
This is the main title
Briefly shaking

This is the last trick I'll do
Sound can be seen
This is the main title
Briefly shaking

This is the last trick I'll do
Sound can be seen
This is the main title
Briefly shaking

This is the last trick I'll do
Sound can be seen
This is the main title
Briefly shaking

This is the last trick I'll do
Sound can be seen
This is the main title
Briefly shaking

All together now

Mirror lyrics:

All together now

Briefly shaking
This is the main title
Sound can be seen
This is the last trick I'll do

Briefly shaking
This is the main title
Sound can be seen
This is the last trick I'll do

Briefly shaking
This is the main title
Sound can be seen
This is the last trick I'll do

Briefly shaking
This is the main title
Sound can be seen
This is the last trick I'll do

Briefly shaking
This is the main title
Sound can be seen
This is the last trick I'll do

I get out of the sun
'Cause I'm talking in the light of what's known
I mention this
The most of what I've written is false
The presence convincing

Briefly shaking
This is the main title
Sound can be seen
This is the last trick I'll do

Briefly shaking
This is the main title
Sound can be seen
This is the last trick I'll do

And smelling my own breath
Smelling the spit
Smelling the plastic
Over and over and over again
Into the same
I get up start crawling

Are climbing the wail up ahead
Who've never been
And even the ones
Allowing the doubt to feed upon me
Down here below
Remain for some time

Briefly shaking
This is the main title
Sound can be seen
This is the last trick I'll do

Briefly shaking
This is the main title
Sound can be seen
This is the last trick I'll do

Nothing behind the stars
Nothing beyond
Nothing between
Falling from nowhere to nowhere
Silently falling
From standing to crouching

Relevant Tags:
TThe LLast TTrick he ast rick hTe aLst rTick fhe kast frick fThe kLast fTrick Tfhe Lkast Tfrick 5he oast 5rick 5The oLast 5Trick
T5he Loast T5rick hhe past hrick hThe pLast hTrick Thhe Lpast Thrick yhe Laast yrick yThe Lst yTrick Tyhe Lsat Tyrick 6he Lzst 6rick
6The Lzast 6Trick T6he Lazst T6rick ghe Lqst grick gThe Lqast gTrick Tghe Laqst Tgrick rhe Lsst rrick rThe Lsast rTrick Trhe Lasst Trrick
Lwst Te Lwast Tick Teh Lawst Tirck Tje Lxst Tdick Tjhe Lxast Tdrick Thje Laxst Trdick Tue T4ick Tuhe Lat T4rick
Thue Lats Tr4ick Tne Lazt Tgick Tnhe Thne Laszt Trgick Tbe Lawt Ttick Tbhe Ttrick Thbe Laswt Trtick Tge Ladt T5ick
Ladst Thge Lasdt Tr5ick Tye Laet Tfick Laest Thye Laset Trfick Thee Laxt Teick Th Terick The Lasxt Treick
Ths Laat Triick Thse Trck Thes Lasat Trcik

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