Anja Garbarek
My Fellow Riders

Pleasantly removed
Into lush darkness
Into the dreamless place
I begin to sing this song

Staying loud enough
To drown out any noise
In presence of strangers
I begin to sing this song

It appears to be done
For the pleasure of the doing
But I'm no better shape
Than my fellow riders

Every now and then
I'm slipping back again
Empty and mortal
I begin to sing this song

My mind is moving fast
Trying to make connections
Taking short-cuts
Noting events

Listing all
Filing away
Along with opinions
Making connections
Taking short-cuts
Noting events

Listing all
Filing away
Along with opinions
Making connections
Taking short-cuts
Noting events...

It appears to be done
For the pleasure of the doing
But I'm no better shape
Than my fellow riders...

Mirror lyrics:

Than my fellow riders...
But I'm no better shape
For the pleasure of the doing
It appears to be done

Noting events...
Taking short-cuts
Making connections
Along with opinions
Filing away
Listing all

Noting events
Taking short-cuts
Making connections
Along with opinions
Filing away
Listing all

Noting events
Taking short-cuts
Trying to make connections
My mind is moving fast

I begin to sing this song
Empty and mortal
I'm slipping back again
Every now and then

Than my fellow riders
But I'm no better shape
For the pleasure of the doing
It appears to be done

I begin to sing this song
In presence of strangers
To drown out any noise
Staying loud enough

I begin to sing this song
Into the dreamless place
Into lush darkness
Pleasantly removed

Relevant Tags:
MMy FFellow RRiders y ellow iders yM eFllow iRders jy cellow diders jMy cFellow dRiders Mjy Fcellow Rdiders ky rellow 4iders
kMy rFellow 4Riders Mky Frellow R4iders ny gellow giders nMy gFellow gRiders Mny Fgellow Rgiders Myy tellow tiders M tFellow tRiders
My Ftellow Rtiders Mg vellow 5iders Mgy vFellow 5Riders Myg Fvellow R5iders Mh dellow fiders Mhy dFellow fRiders Myh Fdellow Rfiders
M6 Feellow eiders M6y Fllow eRiders My6 Flelow Reiders Mu Fsllow Riiders Muy Fsellow Rders Myu Fesllow Rdiers M7 F3llow Rjders
M7y F3ellow Rjiders My7 Fe3llow Rijders Mj Ffllow R9ders Ffellow R9iders Myj Fefllow Ri9ders Mt Frllow Rlders Mty Rliders
Myt Ferllow Rilders F4llow Roders F4ellow Roiders Fe4llow Rioders Fdllow Rkders Rkiders Fedllow Rikders
Fwllow R8ders Fwellow R8iders Fewllow Ri8ders Felllow Ruders Felow Ruiders Fellow Riuders Feklow Ridders
Fekllow Riers Felklow Riedrs Feolow Rixers Feollow Rixders Felolow Ridxers Feplow Rieers Fepllow Rieders
Felplow Rideers Rifers Rifders Felolw Ridfers Felkow Rirers Rirders Fellkow Ridrers

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