Ann Nesby
(what A) Lovely Evening

No not another lonely night
Knowing that you love me
Doesn't make it right
So I'm asking for one thing
To fulfill my dream
What a lovely evening it will be
What a lovely evening it will be
If it's only you and me
I'll set the mood perfectly
So intensely romantic
I'll love you endlessly
If you'll give me one night distraction free
What a lovely evening it will be
What a lovely evening it will be

If it's only you and me
And if I could have my way
Our lovely evening would be today
Why don't you take me there
There's no way I'd hesitate
When you call to make a date
I'll be right there waiting and willing
For your loving arms
What a lovely evening it will be
What a lovely evening it will be
If it's only you and me

Mirror lyrics:

If it's only you and me
What a lovely evening it will be
What a lovely evening it will be
For your loving arms
I'll be right there waiting and willing
When you call to make a date
There's no way I'd hesitate
Why don't you take me there
Our lovely evening would be today
And if I could have my way
If it's only you and me

What a lovely evening it will be
What a lovely evening it will be
If you'll give me one night distraction free
I'll love you endlessly
So intensely romantic
I'll set the mood perfectly
If it's only you and me
What a lovely evening it will be
What a lovely evening it will be
To fulfill my dream
So I'm asking for one thing
Doesn't make it right
Knowing that you love me
No not another lonely night

Relevant Tags:
((what AA) LLovely EEvening what ) ovely vening w(hat )A oLvely vEening (wwhat z) kovely svening (hat zA) kLovely sEvening (hwat Az) Lkovely Esvening
(ahat q) oovely 3vening (awhat qA) oLovely 3Evening (wahat Aq) Loovely E3vening (3hat s) povely fvening (3what sA) pLovely fEvening (w3hat As) Lpovely Efvening
(dhat w) rvening (dwhat wA) Lvely rEvening (wdhat Aw) Lvoely Ervening (ehat x) Lkvely 4vening (ewhat xA) 4Evening (wehat Ax) Lokvely E4vening
(shat A)) L9vely dvening (swhat A L9ovely dEvening (wshat A) Lo9vely Edvening (2hat L0vely wvening (2what L0ovely wEvening (w2hat Lo0vely Ewvening
(qhat Llvely Evvening (qwhat Llovely Eening (wqhat Lolvely Eevning (whhat Lively Ebening (wat Liovely Ebvening (waht Loively Evbening
(wjat Lovvely Ecening (wjhat Loely Ecvening (whjat Loevly Evcening (wuat Lobely Egening (wuhat Lobvely Egvening (whuat Lovbely Evgening
(wnat Locely Efening (wnhat Locvely (whnat Lovcely Evfening (wbat Logely Eveening (wbhat Logvely Evning (whbat Lovgely Evneing
(wgat Lofely Evsning (wghat Lofvely Evsening (whgat Lovfely Evesning (wyat Loveely Ev3ning (wyhat Lovly Ev3ening (whyat Lovley Eve3ning
(whaat Lovsly Evfning (wht Lovsely (whta Lovesly Evefning (whzt Lov3ly Evrning (whzat Lov3ely Evrening (whazt Love3ly Everning
(whqt Lovfly Ev4ning (whqat Ev4ening (whaqt Lovefly Eve4ning (whst Lovrly Evdning (whsat Lovrely Evdening (whast Loverly Evedning
(whwt Lov4ly Evwning (whwat Lov4ely Evwening (whawt Love4ly Evewning (whxt Lovdly Evenning (whxat Lovdely Eveing (whaxt Lovedly Eveinng

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