Anita Baker
I'll Be Home For Christmas

I'll be home for Christmas.
You can count on me.
Please have snow and mistletoe
And presents under the tree for me.
Christmas Eve will find me
Where the love-light gleams.
I'll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams.
Baby in my dreams
Baby dreams, oh dreams
Oh sweet dreams

I'll be home for Christmas, so darling.
You can count on me.
Please have?
Oh Christmas Eve will find me
Where the love-light gleams.
Ooh I'll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams.

Mirror lyrics:

If only in my dreams.
Ooh I'll be home for Christmas
Where the love-light gleams.
Oh Christmas Eve will find me
Please have?
You can count on me.
I'll be home for Christmas, so darling.

Oh sweet dreams
Baby dreams, oh dreams
Baby in my dreams
If only in my dreams.
I'll be home for Christmas
Where the love-light gleams.
Christmas Eve will find me
And presents under the tree for me.
Please have snow and mistletoe
You can count on me.
I'll be home for Christmas.

Relevant Tags:
II'll BBe HHome FFor CChristmas 'll e ome or hristmas 'Ill eB oHme oFr hCristmas j'll ve jome cor fhristmas jI'll vBe jHome cFor fChristmas
Ij'll Bve Hjome Fcor Cfhristmas 9'll ge uome ror xhristmas 9I'll gBe uHome rFor xChristmas I9'll Bge Huome Fror Cxhristmas l'll ne nome gor vhristmas
lI'll nBe nHome gFor vChristmas Il'll Bne Hnome Fgor Cvhristmas o'll he bome tor dhristmas oI'll hBe bHome tFor dChristmas Io'll Bhe Hbome Ftor Cdhristmas
k'll Bee gome vor Chhristmas kI'll B gHome vFor Cristmas Ik'll Be Hgome Fvor Crhistmas 8'll Bs yome dor Cjristmas 8I'll Bse yHome dFor Cjhristmas
I8'll Bes Hyome Fdor Chjristmas u'll B3 Hoome Foor Curistmas uI'll B3e Hme Fr Cuhristmas Iu'll Be3 Hmoe Fro Churistmas I''ll Bf Hkme Fkr Cnristmas
Ill Bfe Hkome Fkor Cnhristmas Il'l Bef Hokme Fokr Chnristmas I'lll Br H9me F9r Cbristmas I'l Bre H9ome F9or Cbhristmas I'll Ber Ho9me Fo9r Chbristmas
I'kl B4 H0me F0r Cgristmas I'kll B4e H0ome F0or Cghristmas I'lkl Be4 Ho0me Fo0r Chgristmas I'ol Bd Hlme Flr Cyristmas I'oll Bde Hlome Flor Cyhristmas
I'lol Bed Holme Folr Chyristmas I'pl Bw Hime Fir Chrristmas I'pll Bwe Hiome Fior Chistmas I'lpl Bew Hoime Foir Chirstmas Homme Forr Chdistmas
Hoe Fo Chdristmas Hoem For Chrdistmas I'lk Hoje Fod Ch4istmas Hojme Fodr Ch4ristmas I'llk Homje Ford Chr4istmas
I'lo Hoke Fo4 Chgistmas Fo4r I'llo Homke For4 Chrgistmas I'lp Hone Fog Chtistmas Honme Fogr Chtristmas
I'llp Homne Forg Chrtistmas Homee Fot Ch5istmas Hom Fotr Ch5ristmas Home Fort Chr5istmas Homs Fo5 Chfistmas
Homse Fo5r Chfristmas Homes For5 Chrfistmas Hom3 Fof Cheistmas Hom3e Fofr Cheristmas Home3 Forf Chreistmas
Homf Foe Chriistmas Homfe Foer Chrstmas Homef Fore Chrsitmas Homr Chrjstmas Homre Chrjistmas
Homer Chrijstmas Hom4 Chr9stmas Hom4e Chr9istmas Home4 Chri9stmas Homd Chrlstmas
Homde Chrlistmas Homed Chrilstmas Homw Chrostmas Homwe Chroistmas Homew Chriostmas
Chrkstmas Chrkistmas Chrikstmas Chr8stmas Chr8istmas
Chri8stmas Chrustmas Chruistmas Chriustmas Chrisstmas
Chritmas Chritsmas

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