Animaniacs (related Recordings)
Nifty Fifty United States And Capitals, Yakko, Ani

And now Wacko Warner with the fifty US States and their Capitals,

Baton Rouge Louisianna, Indianapolis Indiana,
and Columbus is the capital of O-hi-o.

There's Montgomery Alabama,
south of Helena Montana
then there's Denver Colorado,
under Boise Idaho.

Texas has Austin
then we go north,
to Massachusetts Boston
and Albany New York.

Tallahassee Florida
and Washington D.C.,
Sante Fe New Mexico and Nashville Tennessee.
Elvis used to hang out there a lot, you know.

Trenton's in New Jersey north of Jefferson Missouri,
You got Richmond in Virginia,
South Dakota has Pierre,
Harrisburg's in Pennsylvania and Augusta's up in Maine,
and here is Providence Rhode Island next to Dover Deleware.

Concord, New Hampshire, just a quick jaunte,
to Montpelier, which is up in Vermont,
Hartford's in Connecticut so pretty in the fall,
and Kansas has Topeka
Minnesota has St. Paul.

Juneau's in Alaska and there's Lincoln in Nebraska
and it's Raleigh out in North Carolina, and then,
there's Madison Wisconsin and Olympia in Washington,
Pheonix Arizona
and Lansing Michigan.

Here's Honolulu, Hawaii's a joy
Jackson Mississip-pi
and Springfield Illinois,
South Carolina with Columbia down the Way,
and Annapolis in Maryland on Chesapeake Bay,
They have wonderful clam chowder.

Cheyenne is in Wyoming and perhaps you make your home in
Salt Lake City out in Utah where the buffalo roam.

Atlanta's down in Georgia and there's Bismark North Dakota,
and you can live in Frankfort in your own Kentucky home.

Sa-lem, in Oregon, from there we join,
Little Rock in Arkansas,
Iowa's got Des Moines
Sacramento California,
Oklahoma and it's City,
Charleston West Virginia
and Nevada Carson City.

That's all the capitals, there are!

Mirror lyrics:

That's all the capitals, there are!

and Nevada Carson City.
Charleston West Virginia
Oklahoma and it's City,
Sacramento California,
Iowa's got Des Moines
Little Rock in Arkansas,
Sa-lem, in Oregon, from there we join,

and you can live in Frankfort in your own Kentucky home.
Atlanta's down in Georgia and there's Bismark North Dakota,

Salt Lake City out in Utah where the buffalo roam.
Cheyenne is in Wyoming and perhaps you make your home in

They have wonderful clam chowder.
and Annapolis in Maryland on Chesapeake Bay,
South Carolina with Columbia down the Way,
and Springfield Illinois,
Jackson Mississip-pi
Here's Honolulu, Hawaii's a joy

and Lansing Michigan.
Pheonix Arizona
there's Madison Wisconsin and Olympia in Washington,
and it's Raleigh out in North Carolina, and then,
Juneau's in Alaska and there's Lincoln in Nebraska

Minnesota has St. Paul.
and Kansas has Topeka
Hartford's in Connecticut so pretty in the fall,
to Montpelier, which is up in Vermont,
Concord, New Hampshire, just a quick jaunte,

and here is Providence Rhode Island next to Dover Deleware.
Harrisburg's in Pennsylvania and Augusta's up in Maine,
South Dakota has Pierre,
You got Richmond in Virginia,
Trenton's in New Jersey north of Jefferson Missouri,

Elvis used to hang out there a lot, you know.
Sante Fe New Mexico and Nashville Tennessee.
and Washington D.C.,
Tallahassee Florida

and Albany New York.
to Massachusetts Boston
then we go north,
Texas has Austin

under Boise Idaho.
then there's Denver Colorado,
south of Helena Montana
There's Montgomery Alabama,

and Columbus is the capital of O-hi-o.
Baton Rouge Louisianna, Indianapolis Indiana,

And now Wacko Warner with the fifty US States and their Capitals,

Relevant Tags:
NNifty FFifty UUnited SStates AAnd CCapitals, YYakko, AAni ifty ifty nited tates nd apitals, akko, ni
iNfty iFfty nUited tSates nAd aCpitals, aYkko, nAi mifty cifty hnited ztates znd fapitals, gakko, zni
mNifty cFifty hUnited zStates zAnd fCapitals, gYakko, zAni Nmifty Fcifty Uhnited Sztates Aznd Cfapitals, Ygakko, Azni
hifty rifty 7nited wtates qnd xapitals, hakko, qni hNifty rFifty 7United wStates qAnd xCapitals, hYakko, qAni
Nhifty Frifty U7nited Swtates Aqnd Cxapitals, Yhakko, Aqni jifty gifty knited dtates snd vapitals, 6akko, sni
jNifty gFifty kUnited dStates sAnd vCapitals, 6Yakko, sAni Njifty Fgifty Uknited Sdtates Asnd Cvapitals, Y6akko, Asni
bifty tifty inited etates wnd dapitals, uakko, wni bNifty tFifty iUnited eStates wAnd dCapitals, uYakko, wAni
Nbifty Ftifty Uinited Setates Awnd Cdapitals, Yuakko, Awni Niifty vifty 8nited xtates xnd Caapitals, 7akko, xni
Nfty vFifty 8United xStates xAnd Cpitals, 7Yakko, xAni Nfity Fvifty U8nited Sxtates Axnd Cpaitals, Y7akko, Axni
Njfty difty jnited atates Annd Czpitals, jakko, Anni dFifty jUnited aStates Ad Czapitals, jYakko, Ai
Nijfty Fdifty Ujnited Satates Adn Cazpitals, Yjakko, Ain N9fty Fiifty ynited Sttates Amd Cqpitals, takko, Ami
N9ifty Ffty yUnited Sates Amnd Cqapitals, tYakko, Amni Ni9fty Ffity Uynited Sattes Anmd Caqpitals, Ytakko, Anmi
Nlfty Fjfty Unnited Sfates Ahd Cspitals, Yaakko, Ahi Nlifty Fjifty Uited Sftates Ahnd Csapitals, Ykko, Ahni
Nilfty Fijfty Uinted Stfates Anhd Caspitals, Ykako, Anhi Nofty F9fty Umited S5ates Ajd Cwpitals, Yzkko, Aji
Noifty F9ifty Umnited S5tates Ajnd Cwapitals, Yzakko, Ajni Niofty Fi9fty Unmited St5ates Anjd Cawpitals, Yazkko, Anji
Nkfty Flfty Uhited Shates Abd Cxpitals, Yqkko, Abi Nkifty Flifty Shtates Abnd Yqakko, Abni
Nikfty Filfty Unhited Sthates Anbd Caxpitals, Yaqkko, Anbi N8fty Fofty Ujited Syates Andd Cappitals, Yskko, Anii
N8ifty Foifty Sytates An Caitals, Ysakko, An Ni8fty Fiofty Unjited Styates And Caiptals, Yaskko, Ani
Nufty Fkfty Ubited S6ates Anx Ca0itals, Ywkko, Anj Nuifty Fkifty Ubnited S6tates Anxd Ca0pitals, Ywakko,
Niufty Fikfty Unbited St6ates Andx Cap0itals, Yawkko, Anij Niffty F8fty Uniited Sgates Ane Calitals, Yxkko, An9
Nity F8ifty Unted Sgtates Aned Calpitals, Yxakko, An9i Nitfy Fi8fty Untied Stgates Ande Caplitals, Yaxkko, Ani9
Nicty Fufty Unjted Srates Anf Caoitals, Yakkko, Anl Nicfty Fuifty Srtates Anfd Caopitals, Yako, Anli
Nifcty Fiufty Unijted Strates Andf Capoitals, Yakko, Anil Nirty Fiffty Un9ted Staates Anr Capiitals, Yalko, Ano
Nirfty Fity Un9ited Sttes Anrd Captals, Yalkko, Anoi Nifrty Fitfy Uni9ted Sttaes Andr Captials, Yaklko, Anio
Nigty Ficty Unlted Stztes Anc Capjtals, Yaoko, Ank Nigfty Ficfty Unlited Stzates Ancd Capjitals, Yaokko, Anki
Nifgty Fifcty Unilted Staztes Andc Capijtals, Yakoko, Anik Nitty Firty Unoted Stqtes Ans Cap9tals, Yamko, An8
Nitfty Firfty Unoited Stqates Ansd Cap9itals, Yamkko, An8i Niftty Fifrty Unioted Staqtes Ands Capi9tals, Yakmko, Ani8
Nivty Figty Unkted Ststes Capltals, Yajko, Anu Nivfty Figfty Unkited Stsates Yajkko, Anui
Nifvty Fifgty Unikted Stastes Capiltals, Yakjko, Aniu Nidty Fitty Un8ted Stwtes Capotals, Yaiko,
Nidfty Fitfty Un8ited Stwates Yaikko, Nifdty Fiftty Uni8ted Stawtes Capiotals, Yakiko,

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