Anita Cochran
For Crying Out Loud

(Bob McDill - Tommy Rocco)

You're trying to forget but can't believe how long it's taking
You see him on the street and still you feel your poor heart aching
But don't let him know it hurts that much
Don't let him see it's been that rough
Don't let him think that you even miss him at all.

You can cry in your sleep, cry in your heart
Cry in your pillow, cry in the dark
You can cry in your dreams, cry in your mind
But cry on the inside if he walks by
'Cause you'll just hate yourself anyhow for crying out loud.

If he's out in the crowd then just pretend that you don't see him
Look the other way and make believe that you don't need him
Don't let him take your dignity
Don't let him make you feel so weak
Don't let him think he even crosses your mind

You can cry in your sleep, cry in your heart
Cry in your pillow, cry in the dark
You can cry in your dreams, cry in your mind
But cry on the inside if he walks by
'Cause you'll just hate yourself anyhow for crying out loud.

--- Instrumental ---

And if he ever asks just say you're all right
Put on your brightest smile 'till he's out of sight
Then if you've got to cry.

You can cry in your sleep, cry in your heart
Cry in your pillow, cry in the dark
You can cry in your dreams, cry in your mind
But cry on the inside if he walks by
'Cause you'll just hate yourself anyhow for crying out loud.

You can cry in your sleep, cry in your heart
Cry in your pillow, cry in the dark
You can cry in your dreams, cry in your mind
But cry on the inside if he walks by
'Cause you'll just hate yourself anyhow for crying out loud...

Mirror lyrics:

'Cause you'll just hate yourself anyhow for crying out loud...
But cry on the inside if he walks by
You can cry in your dreams, cry in your mind
Cry in your pillow, cry in the dark
You can cry in your sleep, cry in your heart

'Cause you'll just hate yourself anyhow for crying out loud.
But cry on the inside if he walks by
You can cry in your dreams, cry in your mind
Cry in your pillow, cry in the dark
You can cry in your sleep, cry in your heart

Then if you've got to cry.
Put on your brightest smile 'till he's out of sight
And if he ever asks just say you're all right

--- Instrumental ---

'Cause you'll just hate yourself anyhow for crying out loud.
But cry on the inside if he walks by
You can cry in your dreams, cry in your mind
Cry in your pillow, cry in the dark
You can cry in your sleep, cry in your heart

Don't let him think he even crosses your mind
Don't let him make you feel so weak
Don't let him take your dignity
Look the other way and make believe that you don't need him
If he's out in the crowd then just pretend that you don't see him

'Cause you'll just hate yourself anyhow for crying out loud.
But cry on the inside if he walks by
You can cry in your dreams, cry in your mind
Cry in your pillow, cry in the dark
You can cry in your sleep, cry in your heart

Don't let him think that you even miss him at all.
Don't let him see it's been that rough
But don't let him know it hurts that much
You see him on the street and still you feel your poor heart aching
You're trying to forget but can't believe how long it's taking

(Bob McDill - Tommy Rocco)

Relevant Tags:
FFor CCrying OOut LLoud or rying ut oud oFr rCying uOt oLud cor frying kut koud cFor fCrying kOut kLoud Fcor Cfrying Okut Lkoud
ror xrying 9ut ooud rFor xCrying 9Out oLoud Fror Cxrying O9ut Looud gor vrying 0ut poud gFor vCrying 0Out pLoud Fgor Cvrying O0ut Lpoud
tor drying lut tFor dCrying lOut Lud Ftor Cdrying Olut Luod vor Crrying iut Lkud vFor Cying iOut Fvor Cyring Oiut Lokud
dor Cdying Ouut L9ud dFor Ot L9oud Fdor Crdying Otu Lo9ud Foor C4ying Oht L0ud Fr C4rying Ohut L0oud Fro Cr4ying Ouht Lo0ud
Fkr Cgying O7t Llud Fkor Cgrying O7ut Lloud Fokr Crgying Ou7t Lolud F9r Ctying Okt Liud F9or Ctrying Lioud Fo9r Crtying Oukt Loiud
F0r C5ying Oit Louud F0or C5rying Lod Fo0r Cr5ying Ouit Lodu Flr Cfying O8t Lohd Flor O8ut Lohud Folr Crfying Ou8t Louhd
Fir Ceying Ojt Lo7d Fior Cerying Ojut Lo7ud Foir Creying Oujt Lou7d Forr Cryying Oyt Lokd Fo Cring Oyut For Criyng Ouyt Loukd
Fod Crging Outt Loid Fodr Ou Ford Cryging Out Louid Fo4 Crhing Ouf Lo8d Fo4r Crhying Ouft Lo8ud For4 Cryhing Outf Lou8d
Fog Cr6ing Ou5 Lojd Fogr Cr6ying Ou5t Lojud Forg Cry6ing Out5 Loujd Fot Cruing Ouh Loyd Fotr Cruying Loyud Fort Cryuing Outh Louyd
Fo5 Cr7ing Ouy Loudd Fo5r Cr7ying Lou For5 Cry7ing Outy Loud

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