Armin Van Buuren
Empty State (vocals By Mic Burns)

I look into your eyes and fall away.
You make me feel I dont exist.
Time can make a better place for us.
You make me feel lonely without love.

I can't help the way I feel for you.
As I fall into your arms.
I can be someone beneath you.
I've tried, I've tried.

I can't help the way I feel for you.
As I fall into your arms.
I can be someone beneath you.
I've tried, I've tried.

I can't help the way I feel for you.
As I fall into your arms.
I can be someone beneath you.
I've tried, I've tried.

Mirror lyrics:

I've tried, I've tried.
I can be someone beneath you.
As I fall into your arms.
I can't help the way I feel for you.

I've tried, I've tried.
I can be someone beneath you.
As I fall into your arms.
I can't help the way I feel for you.

I've tried, I've tried.
I can be someone beneath you.
As I fall into your arms.
I can't help the way I feel for you.

You make me feel lonely without love.
Time can make a better place for us.
You make me feel I dont exist.
I look into your eyes and fall away.

Relevant Tags:
EEmpty SState ((vocals BBy MMic BBurns) mpty tate vocals y ic urns) mEpty tSate v(ocals yB iMc uBrns) smpty ztate (vvocals vy jic vurns) sEmpty zState (ocals vBy jMic vBurns)
Esmpty Sztate (ovcals Bvy Mjic Bvurns) 3mpty wtate (bocals gy kic gurns) 3Empty wState (bvocals gBy kMic gBurns) E3mpty Swtate (vbocals Bgy Mkic Bgurns) fmpty dtate (cocals ny nic nurns)
fEmpty dState (cvocals nBy nMic nBurns) Efmpty Sdtate (vcocals Bny Mnic Bnurns) rmpty etate (gocals hy Miic hurns) rEmpty eState (gvocals hBy Mc hBurns) Ermpty Setate (vgocals Bhy Mci Bhurns)
4mpty xtate (focals Byy Mjc Buurns) 4Empty xState (fvocals B Brns) E4mpty Sxtate (vfocals By Mijc Bruns) dmpty atate (voocals Bg M9c Bhrns) dEmpty aState (vcals M9ic
Edmpty Satate (vcoals Byg Mi9c Buhrns) wmpty Sttate (vkcals Bh Mlc B7rns) wEmpty Sate (vkocals Mlic B7urns) Ewmpty Satte (vokcals Byh Milc Bu7rns) Emmpty Sfate (v9cals B6 Moc Bkrns)
Epty Sftate (v9ocals B6y Moic Bkurns) Epmty Stfate (vo9cals By6 Mioc Bukrns) Ejpty S5ate (v0cals Bu Mkc Birns) Ejmpty S5tate (v0ocals Buy Biurns) Emjpty St5ate (vo0cals Byu Mikc Buirns)
Ekpty Shate (vlcals B7 M8c B8rns) Ekmpty Shtate (vlocals B7y M8ic B8urns) Emkpty Sthate (volcals By7 Mi8c Bu8rns) Enpty Syate (vicals Bj Muc Bjrns) Enmpty Sytate (viocals Bjy Muic Bjurns)
Emnpty Styate (voicals Byj Miuc Bujrns) Emppty S6ate (voccals Bt Micc Byrns) Emty S6tate (voals Bty Mi Byurns) Emtpy St6ate (voacls Byt Mic Buyrns) Em0ty Sgate (vofals Mif Burrns)
Em0pty Sgtate (vofcals Mifc Buns) Emp0ty Stgate (vocfals Micf Bunrs) Emlty Srate (voxals Mix Budns) Emlpty Srtate (voxcals Mixc Budrns) Emplty Strate (vocxals Micx Burdns)
Emoty Staate (vovals Miv Bu4ns) Emopty Stte (vovcals Mivc Bu4rns) Empoty Sttae (vocvals Micv Bur4ns) Emptty Stzte (vodals Mid Bugns) Empy Stzate (vodcals Midc Bugrns)
Empyt Stazte (vocdals Micd Burgns) Empfy Stqte (vocaals Butns) Empfty Stqate (vocls Butrns) Emptfy Staqte (voclas Burtns) Emp5y Stste (voczls Bu5ns)

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