Arlo Guthrie
Highway In The Wind

Sail with me into the unknown void that has no end
Swept along the open road that don't seem to begin
Come with me and love me, babe I may be back again
Meantime I'll keep sailing down my highway in the wind

Evenings just begin the days and follows with the night
To love you and to be with you and say that it's all right
Love me while you have me, Babe I may be back again
Meantime I'll keep sailing down this highway in the wind

There's times I feel like going and there's times I want to stay
Times that I ain't feeling well and times I feel ok
Now you have time to love me, babe and I may have time again
Meantime I'll keep sailing down this highway in the wind

The fortune teller tells me that I have somewhere to go
Look and try to understand and wonder how she knows
So I must be going now I'm losing time my friend
Looking for a rainbow down this highway in the wind

Mirror lyrics:

Looking for a rainbow down this highway in the wind
So I must be going now I'm losing time my friend
Look and try to understand and wonder how she knows
The fortune teller tells me that I have somewhere to go

Meantime I'll keep sailing down this highway in the wind
Now you have time to love me, babe and I may have time again
Times that I ain't feeling well and times I feel ok
There's times I feel like going and there's times I want to stay

Meantime I'll keep sailing down this highway in the wind
Love me while you have me, Babe I may be back again
To love you and to be with you and say that it's all right
Evenings just begin the days and follows with the night

Meantime I'll keep sailing down my highway in the wind
Come with me and love me, babe I may be back again
Swept along the open road that don't seem to begin
Sail with me into the unknown void that has no end

Relevant Tags:
HHighway IIn TThe WWind ighway n he ind iHghway nI hTe iWnd jighway jn fhe aind jHighway jIn fThe aWind Hjighway Ijn Tfhe Waind
uighway 9n 5he 3ind uHighway 9In 5The 3Wind Huighway I9n T5he W3ind nighway ln hhe dind nHighway lIn hThe dWind Hnighway Iln Thhe Wdind
bighway on yhe eind bHighway oIn yThe eWind Hbighway Ion Tyhe Weind gighway kn 6he sind gHighway kIn 6The sWind Hgighway Ikn T6he Wsind
yighway 8n ghe 2ind yHighway 8In gThe 2Wind Hyighway I8n Tghe W2ind Hiighway un rhe qind Hghway uIn rThe qWind Hgihway Iun Trhe Wqind
Hjghway Inn Wiind I Te Wnd Hijghway In Teh Wnid H9ghway Im Tje Wjnd H9ighway Imn Tjhe Wjind Hi9ghway Inm Thje Wijnd
Hlghway Ih Tue W9nd Hlighway Ihn Tuhe W9ind Hilghway Inh Thue Wi9nd Hoghway Ij Tne Wlnd Hoighway Tnhe Wlind Hioghway Inj Thne Wilnd
Hkghway Ib Tbe Wond Hkighway Ibn Tbhe Woind Hikghway Inb Thbe Wiond H8ghway Tge Wknd H8ighway Wkind Hi8ghway Thge Wiknd
Hughway Tye W8nd W8ind Hiughway Thye Wi8nd Higghway Thee Wund Hihway Th Wuind Hihgway The Wiund
Hihhway Ths Winnd Hihghway Thse Wid Highhway Thes Widn Hiyhway Th3 Wimd Hiyghway Th3e Wimnd Higyhway The3 Winmd
Hibhway Thf Wihd Hibghway Thfe Wihnd Higbhway Thef Winhd Hivhway Thr Wijd Hivghway Thre Higvhway Ther Winjd
Hifhway Th4 Wibd Hifghway Th4e Wibnd Higfhway The4 Winbd Hithway Thd Windd Hitghway Thde Win Higthway Thed Wind
Thw Winx Higway Thwe Winxd Higwhay Thew Windx Higjway Wine Higjhway Wined Highjway Winde

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