Prayer Upon Deaf Ears 02 One Standard, One Eth

In the mist of inferno,
I seek Salvation,
Filth cannot taint my allegiance for my heart.
Holds the truth.

My heart and my mind worship discipline
and filter right from wrong. Purification.
Sworn to justice to cast iniquities
into the shadows of oblivion.
Untouched by the dirt of lust.

One standard, one ethic.
Redemption for all innocent life.
One standard, one ethic.
Reverence for the sentient.

Mirror lyrics:

Reverence for the sentient.
One standard, one ethic.
Redemption for all innocent life.
One standard, one ethic.

Untouched by the dirt of lust.
into the shadows of oblivion.
Sworn to justice to cast iniquities
and filter right from wrong. Purification.
My heart and my mind worship discipline

Holds the truth.
Filth cannot taint my allegiance for my heart.
I seek Salvation,
In the mist of inferno,

Relevant Tags:
PPrayer UUpon DDeaf EEars 002 OOne SStandard, OOne EEth rayer pon eaf ars 2 ne tandard, ne th
rPayer pUon eDaf aErs 20 nOe tSandard, nOe tEh 0rayer hpon xeaf sars p2 kne ztandard, kne sth
0Prayer hUpon xDeaf sEars p02 kOne zStandard, kOne sEth P0rayer Uhpon Dxeaf Esars 0p2 Okne Sztandard, Okne Esth
lrayer 7pon eeaf 3ars 92 9ne wtandard, 9ne 3th lPrayer 7Upon eDeaf 3Ears 902 9One wStandard, 9One 3Eth
Plrayer U7pon Deeaf E3ars 092 O9ne Swtandard, O9ne E3th orayer kpon feaf fars o2 0ne dtandard, 0ne fth
oPrayer kUpon fDeaf fEars o02 0One dStandard, 0One fEth Porayer Ukpon Dfeaf Efars 0o2 O0ne Sdtandard, O0ne Efth
Prrayer ipon reaf rars 022 lne etandard, lne rth Payer iUpon rDeaf rEars 0 lOne eStandard, lOne rEth
Paryer Uipon Dreaf Erars 02 Olne Setandard, Olne Erth Pdayer 8pon ceaf 4ars 03 ine xtandard, ine 4th
Pdrayer 8Upon cDeaf 4Ears 032 iOne xStandard, iOne 4Eth Prdayer U8pon Dceaf E4ars 023 Oine Sxtandard, Oine E4th
P4ayer jpon seaf dars 0q Onne atandard, Onne dth P4rayer jUpon sDeaf dEars 0q2 Oe aStandard, Oe dEth
Pr4ayer Ujpon Dseaf Edars 02q Oen Satandard, Oen Edth Pgayer ypon wars 0w Ome Sttandard, Ome wth
Pgrayer yUpon Daf wEars 0w2 Omne Sandard, Omne wEth Prgayer Uypon Daef Ewars 02w Onme Satndard, Onme Ewth
Ptayer Uppon Dsaf Eaars 01 Ohe Sfandard, Ohe Etth Ptrayer Uon Ers 012 Ohne Sftandard, Ohne Eh
Prtayer Uopn Desaf Eras 021 Onhe Stfandard, Onhe Eht P5ayer U0on D3af Ezrs Oje S5andard, Oje Efh
P5rayer U0pon D3eaf Ezars Ojne S5tandard, Ojne Pr5ayer Up0on De3af Eazrs Onje St5andard, Onje Etfh
Pfayer Ulon Dfaf Eqrs Obe Shandard, Obe E5h Pfrayer Ulpon Eqars Obne Shtandard, Obne E5th
Prfayer Uplon Defaf Eaqrs Onbe Sthandard, Onbe Et5h Peayer Uoon Draf Esrs Onee Syandard, Onee Ehh
Perayer Uopon On Sytandard, On Ehth Preayer Upoon Deraf Easrs One Styandard, One Ethh
Praayer D4af Ewrs Ons S6andard, Ons Eyh Pryer Upn D4eaf Onse S6tandard, Onse Eyth
Pryaer Upno De4af Eawrs Ones St6andard, Ones Etyh Przyer Upkn Ddaf Exrs On3 Sgandard, On3 E6h
Przayer Upkon Ddeaf Exars On3e Sgtandard, On3e E6th Prazyer Upokn Dedaf Eaxrs One3 Stgandard, One3 Et6h
Prqyer Up9n Dwaf Earrs Onf Srandard, Onf Egh Prqayer Up9on Dweaf Eas Onfe Srtandard, Onfe Egth
Praqyer Upo9n Dewaf Easr Onef Strandard, Onef Etgh Prsyer Up0n Deaaf Eads Onr Staandard, Onr Erh
Prsayer Def Eadrs Onre Stndard, Onre Prasyer Upo0n Defa Eards Oner Stnadard, Oner Etrh
Prwyer Upln Dezf Ea4s On4 Stzndard, On4 Prwayer Dezaf Ea4rs On4e Stzandard, On4e Et
Prawyer Upoln Deazf Ear4s One4 Stazndard, One4 Eth Prxyer Upin Deqf Eags Ond Stqndard, Ond Etj
Prxayer Upion Deqaf Eagrs Onde Stqandard, Onde Etjh Praxyer Upoin Deaqf Eargs Oned Staqndard, Oned Ethj
Prayyer Uponn Desf Eats Onw Stsndard, Onw Etu Praer Upo Eatrs Onwe Stsandard, Onwe Etuh
Praeyr Upon Deasf Earts Onew Stasndard, Onew Ethu Prager Upom Dewf Ea5s Stwndard, Etn
Pragyer Upomn Ea5rs Stwandard, Etnh Prayger Uponm Deawf Ear5s Stawndard, Ethn

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