Spread Your Fire

[The crusader meets a Jewish Rabin;
an old blind oracle with frightening looks who acknowledges
that the voyager has been chosen by
God to bring light to the eyes of people who can't see.
He hands the crusader a book of blank pages eagerly shouting,
"Spread your Fire! burn the temples down!".]

[The oracle's voice resounded in his ears lunatic and sensless for years.]

Woke up to life not long ago
You think your mind is in control?
God will take it back someday

It's not so hard to understand
They say the world has good and bad
Father Universe brings Love and Hate

Glorious - You'll lead the way
To free the world from these chains
Glorious - Your story now begins, Oh!
Unleash the angel of the Light
Thank him for bringing us to life
Lucifer is just a name!

We are the only ones to blame
Just look around, I'm not insane!
Satan is a child of our God

Glorious - Don't be afraid
To lead the way with thy sword
Glorious - You are the chosen one. Go!

Spread your fire

Salve ara, salve victima
Spread your fire
De passionis gloria
Spread your fire
Qua vita mortem pertulit
Spread your fire
Et morte vitam reddidit

Glorious - Don't be afraid
To lead the way with thy sword
Glorious - You are the chosen one. Go!

Salve ara, salve victima
Spread your fire
De passionis gloria
Spread your fire
Qua vita mortem pertulit
Spread your fire
Et morte vitam reddidit

Mirror lyrics:

Et morte vitam reddidit
Spread your fire
Qua vita mortem pertulit
Spread your fire
De passionis gloria
Spread your fire
Salve ara, salve victima

Glorious - You are the chosen one. Go!
To lead the way with thy sword
Glorious - Don't be afraid

Et morte vitam reddidit
Spread your fire
Qua vita mortem pertulit
Spread your fire
De passionis gloria
Spread your fire
Salve ara, salve victima

Spread your fire

Glorious - You are the chosen one. Go!
To lead the way with thy sword
Glorious - Don't be afraid

Satan is a child of our God
Just look around, I'm not insane!
We are the only ones to blame

Lucifer is just a name!
Thank him for bringing us to life
Unleash the angel of the Light
Glorious - Your story now begins, Oh!
To free the world from these chains
Glorious - You'll lead the way

Father Universe brings Love and Hate
They say the world has good and bad
It's not so hard to understand

God will take it back someday
You think your mind is in control?
Woke up to life not long ago

[The oracle's voice resounded in his ears lunatic and sensless for years.]

"Spread your Fire! burn the temples down!".]
He hands the crusader a book of blank pages eagerly shouting,
God to bring light to the eyes of people who can't see.
that the voyager has been chosen by
an old blind oracle with frightening looks who acknowledges
[The crusader meets a Jewish Rabin;

Relevant Tags:
SSpread YYour FFire pread our ire pSread oYur iFre zpread gour cire zSpread gYour cFire Szpread Ygour Fcire wpread hour rire
wSpread hYour rFire Swpread Yhour Frire dpread 6our gire dSpread 6Your gFire Sdpread Y6our Fgire epread uour tire eSpread uYour tFire
Sepread Yuour Ftire xpread 7our vire xSpread 7Your vFire Sxpread Y7our Fvire apread jour dire aSpread jYour dFire Sapread Yjour Fdire
Sppread tour Fiire Sread tYour Fre Srpead Ytour Frie S0read Yoour Fjre S0pread Yur Fjire Sp0read Yuor Fijre Slread Ykur F9re
Slpread Ykour F9ire Splread Yokur Fi9re Soread Y9ur Flre Sopread Y9our Flire Sporead Yo9ur Filre Sprread Y0ur Fore Spead Y0our Foire
Sperad Yo0ur Fiore Spdead Ylur Fkre Spdread Ylour Fkire Sprdead Yolur Fikre Sp4ead Yiur F8re Sp4read Yiour F8ire Spr4ead Yoiur Fi8re
Spgead Youur Fure Spgread Yor Fuire Sprgead Yoru Fiure Sptead Yohr Firre Sptread Yohur Fie Sprtead Youhr Fier Sp5ead Yo7r Fide
Sp5read Yo7ur Fidre Spr5ead You7r Firde Spfead Yokr Fi4e Spfread Fi4re Sprfead Youkr Fir4e Speead Yoir Fige Speread Figre

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