Sprouts Of Time

[The Shadow Hunter starts a new religion,
gathering people around him to spread the truth for him revealed.
Words of peace and love sowed like seeds in the hearts of the wise;
but fruitlessly dropped on the rocky soil of the hearts of the blind.
The future is a consequence of what we do now.
The present exposes the Sprouts of Time".]

I lay my eyes in the past
From the first day to the last
Several things we had to learn
Countless mistakes from times of yore

Now we restart, we recreate
Your present is your fate

Don't turn your backs on mankind!
Only yourselves you wanna save
Ignorance burns just like a fire
Consuming people on its flame

Fellow creatures, so wonderful!
So different and so grand

Sprouts of time
The roots evolving
The seeds for the future
were scattered yesterday
Tomorrow's harvest field we plant
Your crown will ever last
The tall trees of life

(Life experience)
Break your shell reach the light!
(Mind and sould)
Find your path to the skies
(Will come around on a thunder sound)
Raging with power and fury the new
born world

Sprouts of time
The roots evolving
The seeds from the past
branching out
Growing forever

Hands on heart
Embrace each other
The dances, the faces, the smiles
Behind the past

New seasons bring the chance
To start again
Tall trees will ever last
The circles of life

Mirror lyrics:

The circles of life
Tall trees will ever last
To start again
New seasons bring the chance

Behind the past
The dances, the faces, the smiles
Embrace each other
Hands on heart

Growing forever
branching out
The seeds from the past
The roots evolving
Sprouts of time

born world
Raging with power and fury the new
(Will come around on a thunder sound)
Find your path to the skies
(Mind and sould)
Break your shell reach the light!
(Life experience)

The tall trees of life
Your crown will ever last
Tomorrow's harvest field we plant
were scattered yesterday
The seeds for the future
The roots evolving
Sprouts of time

So different and so grand
Fellow creatures, so wonderful!

Consuming people on its flame
Ignorance burns just like a fire
Only yourselves you wanna save
Don't turn your backs on mankind!

Your present is your fate
Now we restart, we recreate

Countless mistakes from times of yore
Several things we had to learn
From the first day to the last
I lay my eyes in the past

The present exposes the Sprouts of Time".]
The future is a consequence of what we do now.
but fruitlessly dropped on the rocky soil of the hearts of the blind.
Words of peace and love sowed like seeds in the hearts of the wise;
gathering people around him to spread the truth for him revealed.
[The Shadow Hunter starts a new religion,

Relevant Tags:
SSprouts OOf TTime prouts f ime pSrouts fO iTme zprouts kf fime zSprouts kOf fTime Szprouts Okf Tfime wprouts 9f 5ime
wSprouts 9Of 5Time Swprouts O9f T5ime dprouts 0f hime dSprouts 0Of hTime Sdprouts O0f Thime eprouts lf yime eSprouts lOf yTime
Seprouts Olf Tyime xprouts if 6ime xSprouts iOf 6Time Sxprouts Oif T6ime aprouts Off gime aSprouts O gTime Saprouts Of Tgime
Spprouts Oc rime Srouts Ocf rTime Srpouts Ofc Trime S0routs Or Tiime S0prouts Orf Tme Sp0routs Ofr Tmie Slrouts Og Tjme
Slprouts Ogf Tjime Splrouts Ofg Tijme Sorouts Ot T9me Soprouts Otf T9ime Sporouts Oft Ti9me Sprrouts Ov Tlme Spouts Ovf Tlime
Sporuts Ofv Tilme Spdouts Od Tome Spdrouts Odf Toime Sprdouts Ofd Tiome Sp4outs Tkme Sp4routs Tkime Spr4outs Tikme
Spgouts T8me Spgrouts T8ime Sprgouts Ti8me Sptouts Tume Sptrouts Tuime Sprtouts Tiume Sp5outs Timme
Sp5routs Tie Spr5outs Tiem Spfouts Tije Spfrouts Sprfouts Timje Speouts Tike Sperouts
Spreouts Timke Sproouts Tine Spruts Tinme Spruots Timne Sprkuts Timee Sprkouts Tim Sprokuts Time
Spr9uts Tims Spr9outs Timse Spro9uts Times Spr0uts Tim3 Spr0outs Tim3e Spro0uts Time3 Sprluts Timf

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