Ego Painted Grey

I feel the pain but I'm afraid to cry
All the time, desperate hiding tears
My life is boring and I count the days
On and on, woe is here to stay

Only if God would show a sign for me
Oh… Only if God could hold my begging hands

This endless torture's building up my rage
Holding on, hide my agony
I'm getting weary just to be alive
All I want is help!!!

So, you dove into the dark beyond yourself?
Lost your way to find the surface once again
Insomnia will kill all your solemn nights… Oh!
Haunting your despair!!!

Sorrow made your life a living hell
Lights are fading
Caught inside the black-holed inner-self
Ego painted grey…

Insomnia will hold pleasures in a shell
And your defiant stare!!!

Sorrow made your life a living hell
Lights are fading
Caught inside the black-holed inner-self
Ego painted grey…

Mirror lyrics:

Ego painted grey…
Caught inside the black-holed inner-self
Lights are fading
Sorrow made your life a living hell

And your defiant stare!!!
Insomnia will hold pleasures in a shell

Ego painted grey…
Caught inside the black-holed inner-self
Lights are fading
Sorrow made your life a living hell

Haunting your despair!!!
Insomnia will kill all your solemn nights… Oh!
Lost your way to find the surface once again
So, you dove into the dark beyond yourself?

All I want is help!!!
I'm getting weary just to be alive
Holding on, hide my agony
This endless torture's building up my rage

Oh… Only if God could hold my begging hands
Only if God would show a sign for me

On and on, woe is here to stay
My life is boring and I count the days
All the time, desperate hiding tears
I feel the pain but I'm afraid to cry

Relevant Tags:
EEgo PPainted GGrey go ainted rey gEo aPinted rGey sgo 0ainted hrey sEgo 0Painted hGrey Esgo P0ainted Ghrey 3go lainted yrey
3Ego lPainted yGrey E3go Plainted Gyrey fgo oainted brey fEgo oPainted bGrey Efgo Poainted Gbrey rgo Paainted vrey rEgo Pinted vGrey
Ergo Pianted Gvrey 4go Pzinted frey 4Ego Pzainted fGrey E4go Pazinted Gfrey dgo Pqinted trey dEgo Pqainted tGrey Edgo Paqinted Gtrey
wgo Psinted Grrey wEgo Psainted Gey Ewgo Pasinted Gery Eggo Pwinted Gdey Eo Pwainted Gdrey Eog Pawinted Grdey Eho Pxinted G4ey
Ehgo Pxainted G4rey Egho Paxinted Gr4ey Eyo Paiinted Ggey Eygo Panted Ggrey Egyo Panited Grgey Ebo Pajnted Gtey Ebgo Pajinted
Egbo Paijnted Grtey Evo Pa9nted G5ey Evgo Pa9inted G5rey Egvo Pai9nted Gr5ey Efo Palnted Gfey Palinted Egfo Pailnted Grfey
Eto Paonted Geey Etgo Paointed Gerey Egto Paionted Greey Egoo Paknted Eg Pakinted Gry Ego Paiknted Grye Egk Pa8nted Grsy
Egko Pa8inted Grsey Egok Pai8nted Gresy Eg9 Paunted Gr3y Eg9o Pauinted Gr3ey Ego9 Paiunted Gre3y Eg0 Painnted Grfy Eg0o Paited
Ego0 Paitned Grefy Egl Paimted Grry Eglo Paimnted Egol Painmted Grery Egi Paihted Gr4y Egio Paihnted Egoi Painhted Gre4y
Paijted Grdy

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