Everyone Cares

Waiting for a pitch-black night
Where Angels do fall down
The place where kings have lost their heads
And the desert hate a town
Where our hearts were grazing
Where I plant
There I plant a maple tree
With my own hands

Everyone cares each day
In life and farewell
Behind the sky I care for you
Everyone cares each day
Cause life means farewell
Behind the sky I´m guarding you

Waiting for a blood-red dawn
Where angels bleed for you
I´m watching you beyond the sky
I´m longing for a new
A new life in your cold world
Where I plant
Where I plant a tree for you
With my own hands

Everyone cares each day
In life and farewell
Behind the sky I care for you
Everyone cares each day
Cause life means farewell
Behind the sky I´m guarding you

Mirror lyrics:

Behind the sky I´m guarding you
Cause life means farewell
Everyone cares each day
Behind the sky I care for you
In life and farewell
Everyone cares each day

With my own hands
Where I plant a tree for you
Where I plant
A new life in your cold world
I´m longing for a new
I´m watching you beyond the sky
Where angels bleed for you
Waiting for a blood-red dawn

Behind the sky I´m guarding you
Cause life means farewell
Everyone cares each day
Behind the sky I care for you
In life and farewell
Everyone cares each day

With my own hands
There I plant a maple tree
Where I plant
Where our hearts were grazing
And the desert hate a town
The place where kings have lost their heads
Where Angels do fall down
Waiting for a pitch-black night

Relevant Tags:
EEveryone CCares veryone ares vEeryone aCres sveryone fares sEveryone fCares Esveryone Cfares 3veryone xares 3Everyone xCares
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4Everyone Cres E4veryone Craes dveryone Czres dEveryone Czares Edveryone Cazres wveryone Cqres wEveryone Cqares Ewveryone Caqres
Evveryone Csres Eeryone Csares Eevryone Casres Eberyone Cwres Ebveryone Cwares Evberyone Cawres Eceryone Cxres Ecveryone
Evceryone Caxres Egeryone Carres Egveryone Caes Evgeryone Caers Eferyone Cades Cadres Evferyone Cardes Eveeryone Ca4es
Evryone Ca4res Evreyone Car4es Evsryone Cages Evseryone Cagres Evesryone Carges Ev3ryone Cates Ev3eryone Catres Eve3ryone Cartes
Evfryone Ca5es Ca5res Evefryone Car5es Evrryone Cafes Evreryone Cafres Everryone Carfes Ev4ryone Caees Ev4eryone Caeres
Eve4ryone Carees Evdryone Evderyone Cars Evedryone Carse Evwryone Carss Evweryone Carses Evewryone Caress Car3s
Eveyone Car3es Eveyrone Care3s Evedyone Carfs Everdyone Carefs Eve4yone Carrs Ever4yone Carers Evegyone Car4s Evegryone
Evergyone Care4s Evetyone Cards Evetryone Evertyone Careds Eve5yone Carws Eve5ryone Carwes

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