Angels & Airwaves
Letters To God, Part Ii

All the phones have rung and rung
They're off the hook, all but one
And all the mail, stacked up inside
Up from the floor, a mile high

And like one would, like a child
I'm asking...
Like I could knock on your door
Will you let me in

Dear God, I found out the same things we learn when we die
I found out the truth, it's all a big lie
I found out the words are hard to describe
To tell you I'm lost here, I'm waiting reply

Climbing trees and paper planes
Like as akid, we're all the same
Tears of joy with sullen hearts
Sticks and stones and broken arms

And like one would, like a child
I'm asking...
Like I could knock on your door
Will you let me in

Dear God, I found out the same things we learn when we die
I found out the truth, it's all a big lie
I found out the words are hard to describe
To tell you I'm lost here, I'm waiting reply
I felt I was wrong and it's not you or I
Or anyone else that you chose that night
It seems like the madness, the choice and the light
Have made it all clear if we run and hide


Dear God, I found out the same things we learn when we die
I found out the truth, it's all a big lie
I found out the words are hard to describe
To tell you I'm lost here, I'm waiting, goodbye
I felt I was wrong and it's not you or I
Or anyone else that you chose that night
It seems like the madness, the choice and the light
Have made it all clear if we run and hide

Mirror lyrics:

Have made it all clear if we run and hide
It seems like the madness, the choice and the light
Or anyone else that you chose that night
I felt I was wrong and it's not you or I
To tell you I'm lost here, I'm waiting, goodbye
I found out the words are hard to describe
I found out the truth, it's all a big lie
Dear God, I found out the same things we learn when we die


Have made it all clear if we run and hide
It seems like the madness, the choice and the light
Or anyone else that you chose that night
I felt I was wrong and it's not you or I
To tell you I'm lost here, I'm waiting reply
I found out the words are hard to describe
I found out the truth, it's all a big lie
Dear God, I found out the same things we learn when we die

Will you let me in
Like I could knock on your door
I'm asking...
And like one would, like a child

Sticks and stones and broken arms
Tears of joy with sullen hearts
Like as akid, we're all the same
Climbing trees and paper planes

To tell you I'm lost here, I'm waiting reply
I found out the words are hard to describe
I found out the truth, it's all a big lie
Dear God, I found out the same things we learn when we die

Will you let me in
Like I could knock on your door
I'm asking...
And like one would, like a child

Up from the floor, a mile high
And all the mail, stacked up inside
They're off the hook, all but one
All the phones have rung and rung

Relevant Tags:
LLetters TTo GGod, PPart IIi etters o od, art i eLtters oT oGd, aPrt iI ketters fo hod, 0art ji kLetters fTo hGod, 0Part jIi Lketters Tfo Ghod, P0art Iji
oetters 5o yod, lart 9i oLetters 5To yGod, lPart 9Ii Loetters T5o Gyod, Plart I9i petters ho bod, oart li pLetters hTo bGod, oPart lIi Lpetters Tho Gbod, Poart Ili
Leetters yo vod, Paart oi Ltters yTo vGod, Prt oIi Lteters Tyo Gvod, Prat Ioi Lstters 6o fod, Pzrt ki Lsetters 6To fGod, Pzart kIi Lestters T6o Gfod, Pazrt Iki
L3tters go tod, Pqrt 8i L3etters gTo tGod, Pqart 8Ii Le3tters Tgo Gtod, Paqrt I8i Lftters ro Good, Psrt ui Lfetters rTo Gd, Psart uIi Leftters Tro Gdo, Pasrt Iui
Lrtters Too Gkd, Pwrt Iii Lretters T Gkod, Pwart I Lertters To Gokd, Pawrt Ii L4tters Tk G9d, Pxrt Ij L4etters Tko G9od, Pxart Le4tters Tok Go9d, Paxrt Iij
Ldtters T9 G0d, Parrt I9 Ldetters T9o G0od, Pat Ledtters To9 Go0d, Patr Ii9 Lwtters T0 Gld, Padt Il Lwetters T0o Glod, Padrt Lewtters To0 Gold, Pardt Iil
Lettters Tl Gid, Pa4t Io Leters Tlo Giod, Pa4rt Letters Tol Goid, Par4t Iio Lefters Ti Godd, Pagt Ik Tio Go, Pagrt Letfters Toi Go,d Pargt Iik
Le5ters Gox, Patt I8 Le5tters Goxd, Patrt Let5ters Godx, Partt Ii8 Lehters Goe, Pa5t Iu Lehtters Goed, Pa5rt Lethters Gode, Par5t Iiu
Leyters Gof, Paft Leytters Gofd, Pafrt Letyters Godf, Parft Le6ters Gor, Paet Le6tters Gord, Paert Let6ters Godr, Paret
Legters Goc, Legtters Gocd, Par Letgters Godc, Part Lerters Gos, Parf Gosd, Letrters Gods, Partf
God,, Par5 God Letetrs God, Part5 Letfers Parh Parht Lettfers Parth

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