Angelo Branduardi
The Enchanted Lake

"fables and fantasies"

The Enchanted Lake

Close by Jacob's fountain
Starts the strange tale I will tell
Where fair Madelaine met an enchanter
Who addressed her in a tongue few men know well
Said he all you wish
From this hour is yours for asking
Tell me all your desire
For there's no dream I can't fulfill it

Sir be on your way I've no time for your games
Not for you do I wait here but for another
He will come for me and bring me a velvet gown
And we'll go hand in hand to London town

You're a fool if you think you won't be mine
Said the enchanter to fair Madelaine
And yet you are young so I forgive you
If you'd lived my thousand years you'd play

Once more did he ask
For a wish from her heart
Better believe now or spells
I will use to make you mine
You'd make a fine tree that blossomed every springtime
Shade me in the summer and be my firewood in winter

This has gone to far
Cried out the young maid
Now I see you for a liar
Full of your own wind
All this talk of spells
What nonsense a thousand years
When I see your face to be younger yet than mine

So the enchanter spun him circles three
And turned her with a spell to a calm white lake
From the top of a tower of ivory
Forever he gazes on her face

So the enchanter spun him circles three
And turned her with a spell to a calm white lake
From the top of a tower of ivory
Forever he loves fair Madelaine's face...

Mirror lyrics:

Forever he loves fair Madelaine's face...
From the top of a tower of ivory
And turned her with a spell to a calm white lake
So the enchanter spun him circles three

Forever he gazes on her face
From the top of a tower of ivory
And turned her with a spell to a calm white lake
So the enchanter spun him circles three

When I see your face to be younger yet than mine
What nonsense a thousand years
All this talk of spells
Full of your own wind
Now I see you for a liar
Cried out the young maid
This has gone to far

Shade me in the summer and be my firewood in winter
You'd make a fine tree that blossomed every springtime
I will use to make you mine
Better believe now or spells
For a wish from her heart
Once more did he ask

If you'd lived my thousand years you'd play
And yet you are young so I forgive you
Said the enchanter to fair Madelaine
You're a fool if you think you won't be mine

And we'll go hand in hand to London town
He will come for me and bring me a velvet gown
Not for you do I wait here but for another
Sir be on your way I've no time for your games

For there's no dream I can't fulfill it
Tell me all your desire
From this hour is yours for asking
Said he all you wish
Who addressed her in a tongue few men know well
Where fair Madelaine met an enchanter
Starts the strange tale I will tell
Close by Jacob's fountain

The Enchanted Lake

"fables and fantasies"

Relevant Tags:
TThe EEnchanted LLake he nchanted ake hTe nEchanted aLke fhe snchanted kake fThe sEnchanted kLake Tfhe Esnchanted Lkake
5he 3nchanted oake 5The 3Enchanted oLake T5he E3nchanted Loake hhe fnchanted pake hThe fEnchanted pLake Thhe Efnchanted Lpake
yhe rnchanted Laake yThe rEnchanted Lke Tyhe Ernchanted Lkae 6he 4nchanted Lzke 6The 4Enchanted Lzake T6he E4nchanted Lazke
ghe dnchanted Lqke gThe dEnchanted Lqake Tghe Ednchanted Laqke rhe wnchanted Lske rThe wEnchanted Lsake Trhe Ewnchanted Laske
Ennchanted Lwke Te Echanted Lwake Teh Ecnhanted Lawke Tje Emchanted Lxke Tjhe Emnchanted Lxake Thje Enmchanted Laxke
Tue Ehchanted Lakke Tuhe Ehnchanted Lae Thue Enhchanted Laek Tne Ejchanted Lale Tnhe Ejnchanted Lalke Thne Enjchanted Lakle
Tbe Ebchanted Laoe Tbhe Ebnchanted Laoke Thbe Enbchanted Lakoe Tge Encchanted Lame Enhanted Lamke Thge Enhcanted Lakme
Tye Enfhanted Laje Enfchanted Lajke Thye Encfhanted Lakje Thee Enxhanted Laie Th Enxchanted Laike The Encxhanted Lakie
Ths Envhanted Lakee Thse Envchanted Lak Thes Encvhanted Lake Th3 Endhanted Laks Th3e Endchanted Lakse The3 Encdhanted Lakes
Thf Enchhanted Lak3 Thfe Encanted Lak3e Thef Encahnted Lake3 Thr Encjanted Lakf Thre Encjhanted Lakfe Ther Enchjanted Lakef
Th4 Encuanted Lakr Th4e Encuhanted Lakre The4 Enchuanted Laker Thd Encnanted Lak4 Thde Encnhanted Lak4e Thed Enchnanted Lake4
Thw Encbanted Lakd Thwe Encbhanted Lakde Thew Enchbanted Laked Encganted Lakw Encghanted Lakwe Enchganted Lakew
Encyanted Encyhanted Enchyanted Enchaanted Enchnted Enchnated
Enchznted Enchzanted Enchaznted Enchqnted Enchqanted Enchaqnted

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