Heartbreak Lullaby (dj Mix)

In the still of the night
I can almost feel you lying next to me
Like it use to be
And it's hard to let go
When there's always something there to remind me
How things could be

Why can't I laugh?
Why must I cry?
Why does it rain?
Here in my heart
Why can't it be?
Just you and me
These are the words
To my heart break lullaby

Why can't I laugh?
Why must I cry?
Why does it rain?
Here in my heart
Why can't it be?
Just you and me
These are the words
To my heart break lullaby

Like the stars in the sky
You still keep on shining down your light on me
But out of reach
And I know that in time
You will come back to your sense, see the signs
And change your mind
I try too look the other way
And keep my heart on hold
But everytime I'm close to you
I lose my self control

Why can I laugh?
Why must I cry?
Every time we say "good-bye"
Why does it rain?
Here in my heart
Everyday that we're apart
Why can't it be?
Just you and me
What will it take to make you see?
These are the words
To my heartbreak lullaby

Why can't I laugh?
Why must I cry?
Why does it rain?
Here in my heart
Why can't it be?
Just you and me
These are the words
To my heart break lullaby

Why can I laugh?
Why must I cry?
Every time we say "good-bye"
Why does it rain?
Here in my heart
Everyday that we're apart
Why can't it be?
Just you and me
What will it take to make you see?
These are the words
To my heartbreak lullaby

Why can't I laugh?
Why must I cry?
Why does it rain?
Here in my heart
Why can't it be?
Just you and me
These are the words
To my heart break lullaby

Missing you.......

Mirror lyrics:

Missing you.......

To my heart break lullaby
These are the words
Just you and me
Why can't it be?
Here in my heart
Why does it rain?
Why must I cry?
Why can't I laugh?

To my heartbreak lullaby
These are the words
What will it take to make you see?
Just you and me
Why can't it be?
Everyday that we're apart
Here in my heart
Why does it rain?
Every time we say "good-bye"
Why must I cry?
Why can I laugh?

To my heart break lullaby
These are the words
Just you and me
Why can't it be?
Here in my heart
Why does it rain?
Why must I cry?
Why can't I laugh?

To my heartbreak lullaby
These are the words
What will it take to make you see?
Just you and me
Why can't it be?
Everyday that we're apart
Here in my heart
Why does it rain?
Every time we say "good-bye"
Why must I cry?
Why can I laugh?

I lose my self control
But everytime I'm close to you
And keep my heart on hold
I try too look the other way
And change your mind
You will come back to your sense, see the signs
And I know that in time
But out of reach
You still keep on shining down your light on me
Like the stars in the sky

To my heart break lullaby
These are the words
Just you and me
Why can't it be?
Here in my heart
Why does it rain?
Why must I cry?
Why can't I laugh?

To my heart break lullaby
These are the words
Just you and me
Why can't it be?
Here in my heart
Why does it rain?
Why must I cry?
Why can't I laugh?

How things could be
When there's always something there to remind me
And it's hard to let go
Like it use to be
I can almost feel you lying next to me
In the still of the night

Relevant Tags:
HHeartbreak LLullaby ((dj MMix) eartbreak ullaby dj ix) eHartbreak uLllaby d(j iMx) jeartbreak kullaby (ddj jix) jHeartbreak kLullaby (j jMix)
Hjeartbreak Lkullaby (jd Mjix) ueartbreak oullaby (xj kix) uHeartbreak oLullaby (xdj kMix) Hueartbreak Loullaby (dxj Mkix) neartbreak pullaby (ej nix)
nHeartbreak pLullaby (edj nMix) Hneartbreak Lpullaby (dej Mnix) beartbreak Luullaby (fj Miix) bHeartbreak Lllaby (fdj Mx) Hbeartbreak Llulaby (dfj Mxi)
geartbreak Lhllaby (rj Mjx) gHeartbreak Lhullaby (rdj Hgeartbreak Luhllaby (drj Mijx) yeartbreak L7llaby (cj M9x) yHeartbreak L7ullaby (cdj M9ix)
Hyeartbreak Lu7llaby (dcj Mi9x) Heeartbreak Lkllaby (sj Mlx) Hartbreak (sdj Mlix) Haertbreak Lukllaby (dsj Milx) Hsartbreak Lillaby (djj Mox)
Hseartbreak Liullaby (d Moix) Hesartbreak Luillaby (dj Miox) H3artbreak L8llaby (dk Mkx) H3eartbreak L8ullaby (dkj He3artbreak Lu8llaby (djk Mikx)
Hfartbreak Ljllaby (di M8x) Hfeartbreak Ljullaby (dij M8ix) Hefartbreak Lujllaby (dji Mi8x) Hrartbreak Lyllaby (dm Mux) Hreartbreak Lyullaby (dmj Muix)
Herartbreak Luyllaby (djm Miux) H4artbreak Lulllaby (dn Mixx) H4eartbreak Lulaby (dnj Mi) He4artbreak Lullaby (djn Mi)x Hdartbreak Luklaby (dh Mid)
Hdeartbreak (dhj Midx) Hedartbreak Lulklaby (djh Mixd) Hwartbreak Luolaby (du Miz) Hweartbreak Luollaby (duj Mizx) Hewartbreak Lulolaby (dju Mixz)
Heaartbreak Luplaby Mic) Hertbreak Lupllaby Micx) Heratbreak Lulplaby Mixc) Hezrtbreak Mis) Hezartbreak Misx)
Heazrtbreak Lulalby Mixs) Heqrtbreak Lulkaby Mix)) Heqartbreak Mix Heaqrtbreak Lullkaby Mix) Hesrtbreak Luloaby
Heasrtbreak Lulloaby Hewrtbreak Lulpaby Heawrtbreak Lullpaby Hexrtbreak Lullaaby Hexartbreak Lullby
Heaxrtbreak Lullbay Hearrtbreak Lullzby Heatbreak Lullzaby Heatrbreak Lullazby Headtbreak Lullqby
Headrtbreak Lullqaby Heardtbreak Lullaqby Hea4tbreak Lullsby Hea4rtbreak Lullsaby Hear4tbreak Lullasby
Heagtbreak Lullwby Heagrtbreak Lullwaby Heargtbreak Lullawby Heattbreak Lullxby Heatrtbreak Lullxaby
Hearttbreak Lullaxby Hea5tbreak Lullabby Hea5rtbreak Lullay Hear5tbreak Lullayb Heaftbreak Lullavy
Heafrtbreak Lullavby Hearftbreak Lullabvy Heaetbreak Lullagy Heaertbreak Lullagby Hearetbreak Lullabgy
Lullany Hearbreak Lullanby Hearbtreak Lullabny Hearfbreak Lullahy Lullahby
Heartfbreak Lullabhy Hear5break Lullabyy Lullab Heart5break Hearhbreak Lullabg

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