Hold You

All the things that I told you
All the things that I never mentioned
All the things that I told you twice

Give me something to turn to
Like an answer that has no question
Give me something that I can fight

CHORUS: I don't want to hold you
I don't want to hold you down
I don't want to hold you down

I will always adore you
As the line with no intersection
Never knows what it means to cry

Chase the wind and she'll steal you
Trap the heart and you'll never get it
These are things that I've learned from life


Mirror lyrics:


These are things that I've learned from life
Trap the heart and you'll never get it
Chase the wind and she'll steal you

Never knows what it means to cry
As the line with no intersection
I will always adore you

I don't want to hold you down
I don't want to hold you down
CHORUS: I don't want to hold you

Give me something that I can fight
Like an answer that has no question
Give me something to turn to

All the things that I told you twice
All the things that I never mentioned
All the things that I told you

Relevant Tags:
HHold YYou old ou oHld oYu jold gou jHold gYou Hjold Ygou uold hou uHold hYou Huold Yhou nold 6ou nHold 6You
Hnold Y6ou bold uou bHold uYou Hbold Yuou gold 7ou gHold 7You Hgold Y7ou yold jou yHold jYou Hyold Yjou Hoold tou
Hld tYou Hlod Ytou Hkld Yoou Hkold Yu Hokld Yuo H9ld Yku H9old Ykou Ho9ld Yoku H0ld Y9u H0old Y9ou Ho0ld Yo9u
Hlld Y0u Hlold Y0ou

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