Road Signs And Rock Songs

postcards on the floor
but this pen can't write lonliness no more.
waking up all alone
on the opposite side of the coast.

I'm commited to insecurity and you.
and love is overated.
it leaves you devastated
heart ripped in two

roadside state of mind
boulevard of broken dreams washed out this
time after time I was lost and looking
but knew I'd never find
what is mine in a world that's so unkind.

and love is overated.
it leaves you devastated.

the only things I know are
road signs and rock songs and lonely hotel rooms.
but still I need you here, whats new?

it's 6am. las vegas doesn't look so cool
once the sun come up.
I draw the blinds and I dream of you.

I'm committed to all these memories of you.
and love is overated.
it leaves you devistated.
love is overrated.

Mirror lyrics:

love is overrated.
it leaves you devistated.
and love is overated.
I'm committed to all these memories of you.

I draw the blinds and I dream of you.
once the sun come up.
it's 6am. las vegas doesn't look so cool

but still I need you here, whats new?
road signs and rock songs and lonely hotel rooms.
the only things I know are

it leaves you devastated.
and love is overated.

what is mine in a world that's so unkind.
but knew I'd never find
time after time I was lost and looking
boulevard of broken dreams washed out this
roadside state of mind

heart ripped in two
it leaves you devastated
and love is overated.
I'm commited to insecurity and you.

on the opposite side of the coast.
waking up all alone
but this pen can't write lonliness no more.
postcards on the floor

Relevant Tags:
RRoad SSigns AAnd RRock SSongs oad igns nd ock ongs oRad iSgns nAd oRck oSngs doad zigns znd dock zongs dRoad zSigns zAnd dRock zSongs
Rdoad Szigns Aznd Rdock Szongs 4oad wigns qnd 4ock wongs 4Road wSigns qAnd 4Rock wSongs R4oad Swigns Aqnd R4ock Swongs goad digns snd gock dongs
gRoad dSigns sAnd gRock dSongs Rgoad Sdigns Asnd Rgock Sdongs toad eigns wnd tock eongs tRoad eSigns wAnd tRock eSongs Rtoad Seigns Awnd Rtock Seongs
5oad xigns xnd 5ock xongs 5Road xSigns xAnd 5Rock xSongs R5oad Sxigns Axnd R5ock Sxongs foad aigns Annd fock aongs fRoad aSigns Ad fRock aSongs
Rfoad Saigns Adn Rfock Saongs eoad Siigns Amd eock Soongs eRoad Sgns Amnd eRock Sngs Reoad Sgins Anmd Reock Snogs Rooad Sjgns Ahd Roock Skngs
Rad Sjigns Ahnd Rck Skongs Raod Sijgns Anhd Rcok Sokngs Rkad S9gns Ajd Rkck S9ngs Rkoad S9igns Ajnd Rkock S9ongs Rokad Si9gns Anjd Rokck So9ngs
R9ad Slgns Abd R9ck S0ngs R9oad Sligns Abnd R9ock S0ongs Ro9ad Silgns Anbd Ro9ck So0ngs R0ad Sogns Andd R0ck Slngs R0oad Soigns An R0ock Slongs
Ro0ad Siogns And Ro0ck Solngs Rlad Skgns Anx Rlck Sings Rload Skigns Anxd Rlock Siongs Rolad Sikgns Andx Rolck Soings Riad S8gns Ane Rick Sonngs
Rioad S8igns Aned Riock Sogs Roiad Si8gns Ande Roick Sogns Roaad Sugns Anf Rocck Somgs Rod Suigns Anfd Rok Somngs Roda Siugns Andf Rokc Sonmgs
Rozd Siggns Anr Rofk Sohgs Rozad Sins Anrd Rofck Sohngs Roazd Sings Andr Rocfk Sonhgs Roqd Sihns Anc Roxk Sojgs Roqad Sihgns Ancd Roxck Sojngs

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