Looking Back On Today

30th of April, seems like yesterday
Bought a house above the ocean
Where our kids could laugh and play

I called you from Paris
To tell you that I
Wrote our names on the observation deck
Of the Eiffel Tower

Remember those nights playing summer wind
on the jukebox of the bar we used to go
We made out in the bathroom
and you walked me to my house
I try to convince you not to go home

If only I had more time
I'd take you where you wanted to go
Italy isn't the same without you here
If only I had one wish
I'd want a million trillion life times that I could spend with you
I'd Fall in love with you again and again

First of November 1998
I was thinking of what to say when I would call
Denise come over to my house cause you're the one for me
We'll drink cheap wine and watch for shooting stars

Remember our first apartment
Our couch was never big enough for two
Still we'd fall asleep in each other's arms
and wake up on the floor
Now looking back it was made for me and you

If only I had more time
I'd take you where you wanted to go
Japan is really nice this time of year

If only I had one wish
I'd want a million trillion life times that I could spend with you
I'd Fall in love with you again and again

Mirror lyrics:

I'd Fall in love with you again and again
I'd want a million trillion life times that I could spend with you
If only I had one wish

Japan is really nice this time of year
I'd take you where you wanted to go
If only I had more time

Now looking back it was made for me and you
and wake up on the floor
Still we'd fall asleep in each other's arms
Our couch was never big enough for two
Remember our first apartment

We'll drink cheap wine and watch for shooting stars
Denise come over to my house cause you're the one for me
I was thinking of what to say when I would call
First of November 1998

I'd Fall in love with you again and again
I'd want a million trillion life times that I could spend with you
If only I had one wish
Italy isn't the same without you here
I'd take you where you wanted to go
If only I had more time

I try to convince you not to go home
and you walked me to my house
We made out in the bathroom
on the jukebox of the bar we used to go
Remember those nights playing summer wind

Of the Eiffel Tower
Wrote our names on the observation deck
To tell you that I
I called you from Paris

Where our kids could laugh and play
Bought a house above the ocean
30th of April, seems like yesterday

Relevant Tags:
LLooking BBack OOn TToday ooking ack n oday oLoking aBck nO oTday kooking vack kn foday kLooking vBack kOn fToday Lkooking Bvack Okn Tfoday
oooking gack 9n 5oday oLooking gBack 9On 5Today Loooking Bgack O9n T5oday pooking nack 0n hoday pLooking nBack 0On hToday Lpooking Bnack O0n Thoday
hack ln yoday Loking hBack lOn yToday Looking Bhack Oln Tyoday Lkoking Baack in 6oday Bck iOn 6Today Lokoking Bcak Oin T6oday
L9oking Bzck Onn goday L9ooking Bzack O gToday Lo9oking Bazck On Tgoday L0oking Bqck Om roday L0ooking Bqack Omn rToday Lo0oking Baqck Onm Troday
Lloking Bsck Oh Tooday Llooking Bsack Ohn Tday Loloking Basck Onh Tdoay Lioking Bwck Oj Tkday Liooking Bwack Ojn Tkoday Loioking Bawck Onj Tokday
Bxck Ob T9day Bxack Obn T9oday Lokoing Baxck Onb To9day Lokking Bacck T0day Bak T0oday Lookking Bakc To0day
Lo9king Bafk Tlday Bafck Tloday Loo9king Bacfk Tolday Lo0king Baxk Tiday Tioday Loo0king Bacxk Toiday
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