Too Late To Change

Intro solo: Skowron

Solo: Lykins

Sometime at an early age a strange call beckoned you

It urged you on to selfishness and told you what to do

It taught you thr word trust was just a tool that you could use

To manipulate your target make them do what you would choose

And still the call kept haunting you as you raced toward the end

You went through life with blinders on, no chance to make a friend

The call that you had answered is the one that's known as greed

It's tempting lure of empty wealth is one few fail to heed


Too late to change. Too late to change.

Just like a lemming you're blind to your fate

You fail to question until it's too late

Too late to change. Too late to change.

Driven by something you don't understand

Your lack of comassion is killing our land

It made you poison once clear rivers, raze forests to the ground

So you cut your expenses at the expense of those around

You did not care your every touch brought sickness to the land

The only green you care bout is the kind that you can spend

Somehow after all this time you make it to the end

And stare into that darkest void that longs to be your friend

But something deep inside of you resists the need to quit

You realize that only emptiness resides within the pit

Repeat chorus

Solo: Skowron

Solo: Lykins

You realize the harm you've done and what could yet come true

The crimes that you've committed and what you still can do

The goals you once held dearly now seem very strange

Your new found care for mankind shows it's not too late to change

Mirror lyrics:

Your new found care for mankind shows it's not too late to change

The goals you once held dearly now seem very strange

The crimes that you've committed and what you still can do

You realize the harm you've done and what could yet come true

Solo: Lykins

Solo: Skowron

Repeat chorus

You realize that only emptiness resides within the pit

But something deep inside of you resists the need to quit

And stare into that darkest void that longs to be your friend

Somehow after all this time you make it to the end

The only green you care bout is the kind that you can spend

You did not care your every touch brought sickness to the land

So you cut your expenses at the expense of those around

It made you poison once clear rivers, raze forests to the ground

Your lack of comassion is killing our land

Driven by something you don't understand

Too late to change. Too late to change.

You fail to question until it's too late

Just like a lemming you're blind to your fate

Too late to change. Too late to change.


It's tempting lure of empty wealth is one few fail to heed

The call that you had answered is the one that's known as greed

You went through life with blinders on, no chance to make a friend

And still the call kept haunting you as you raced toward the end

To manipulate your target make them do what you would choose

It taught you thr word trust was just a tool that you could use

It urged you on to selfishness and told you what to do

Sometime at an early age a strange call beckoned you

Solo: Lykins

Intro solo: Skowron

Relevant Tags:
TToo LLate TTo CChange oo ate o hange oTo aLte oT hCange foo kate fo fhange fToo kLate fTo fChange Tfoo Lkate Tfo Cfhange
5oo oate 5o xhange 5Too oLate 5To xChange T5oo Loate T5o Cxhange hoo pate ho vhange hToo pLate hTo vChange Thoo Lpate Tho Cvhange
yoo Laate yo dhange yToo Lte yTo dChange Tyoo Ltae Tyo Cdhange 6oo Lzte 6o Chhange 6Too Lzate 6To Cange T6oo Lazte T6o Cahnge
goo Lqte go Cjange gToo Lqate gTo Cjhange Tgoo Laqte Tgo Chjange roo Lste ro Cuange rToo Lsate rTo Cuhange Troo Laste Tro Chuange
Tooo Lwte Too Cnange To Lwate T Cnhange Too Lawte To Chnange Tko Lxte Tk Cbange Tkoo Lxate Tko Cbhange Toko Laxte Tok Chbange
T9o Latte T9 Cgange T9oo Lae T9o Cghange To9o Laet To9 Chgange T0o Lafe T0 Cyange T0oo Lafte T0o Cyhange To0o Latfe To0 Chyange
Tlo La5e Tl Chaange Tloo La5te Tlo Chnge Tolo Lat5e Tol Chnage Tio Lahe Ti Chznge Tioo Lahte Tio Chzange Toio Lathe Toi Chaznge
Laye Chqnge Layte Chqange Latye Chaqnge Tok La6e Chsnge La6te Chsange Took Lat6e Chasnge
To9 Lage Chwnge Lagte Chwange Too9 Latge Chawnge To0 Lare Chxnge Larte Chxange Too0 Latre Chaxnge
Tol Latee Channge Lat Chage

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