Angel Dust

Listen my children,
Listen wat your lord's gonna say
I hear you praying me day by day
I know that you believe in me, the only truth
You're the deciples of knowledge
All elder and youth

And I will eat up your minds
And swollow your souls
There ain't no escape
From the mechanical claws

I'm just your only nightmare
Etched in your mind
I'm just your only nightmare
And I'll be back night after night

Listen everyone
To what your lord's gotta say
There ain't no sinners
You all know waht is to do

And I'll will eat up your minds
And swallow your souls
There ain't no escape
From the mechanical claws

I'm just your only nightmare
Etched in your minds
I'm just your only nightmare
And i will come bach - every night

Mirror lyrics:

And i will come bach - every night
I'm just your only nightmare
Etched in your minds
I'm just your only nightmare

From the mechanical claws
There ain't no escape
And swallow your souls
And I'll will eat up your minds

You all know waht is to do
There ain't no sinners
To what your lord's gotta say
Listen everyone

And I'll be back night after night
I'm just your only nightmare
Etched in your mind
I'm just your only nightmare

From the mechanical claws
There ain't no escape
And swollow your souls
And I will eat up your minds

All elder and youth
You're the deciples of knowledge
I know that you believe in me, the only truth
I hear you praying me day by day
Listen wat your lord's gonna say
Listen my children,

Relevant Tags:
NNightmare ightmare iNghtmare mightmare mNightmare Nmightmare hightmare hNightmare Nhightmare jightmare jNightmare
Njightmare bightmare bNightmare Nbightmare Niightmare Nghtmare Ngihtmare Njghtmare Nijghtmare N9ghtmare N9ightmare
Ni9ghtmare Nlghtmare Nlightmare Nilghtmare Noghtmare Noightmare Nioghtmare Nkghtmare Nkightmare Nikghtmare N8ghtmare
N8ightmare Ni8ghtmare Nughtmare Nuightmare Niughtmare Nigghtmare Nihtmare Nihgtmare Nihhtmare Nihghtmare Nighhtmare
Niyhtmare Niyghtmare Nigyhtmare Nibhtmare Nibghtmare Nigbhtmare Nivhtmare Nivghtmare Nigvhtmare Nifhtmare Nifghtmare
Nigfhtmare Nithtmare Nitghtmare Nigthtmare Nigtmare Nigthmare Nigjtmare Nigjhtmare Nighjtmare Nigutmare Niguhtmare
Nighutmare Nigntmare Nignhtmare Nighntmare Nigbtmare Nighbtmare Niggtmare Nighgtmare Nigytmare Nighytmare Nighttmare
Nighmare Nighmtare Nighfmare

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