Angel Dust

Born in a time,
That you can't remember
World was like hell,
From sky rained fire
Created to fight and to koll
Till just one survives
To rule the world in the end
Is our final aim

We walked thru' the times
Like the wind thru' your hair
And you don't know
That we're at your side

We'll gather one day
In a secret place
And battle to the last
To fulfill detiny

Century to century
We ride on the light
From century to century
We fight to survive

Then me and the beast
Stand face to face -
Just the clash of the swords
Is reaching my ears
The strongest of all -
Is now in my hand Time has come -
To take his head

We walked thru' the times
Like the wind thru' your hair
And you don't know
That we're at your side

We'll gather one day
In a secret place
And battle to the last
To fulfill detiny

Century to century
We ride on the light
From century to century
We fight to survive

Mirror lyrics:

We fight to survive
From century to century
We ride on the light
Century to century

To fulfill detiny
And battle to the last
In a secret place
We'll gather one day

That we're at your side
And you don't know
Like the wind thru' your hair
We walked thru' the times

To take his head
Is now in my hand Time has come -
The strongest of all -
Is reaching my ears
Just the clash of the swords
Stand face to face -
Then me and the beast

We fight to survive
From century to century
We ride on the light
Century to century

To fulfill detiny
And battle to the last
In a secret place
We'll gather one day

That we're at your side
And you don't know
Like the wind thru' your hair
We walked thru' the times

Is our final aim
To rule the world in the end
Till just one survives
Created to fight and to koll
From sky rained fire
World was like hell,
That you can't remember
Born in a time,

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