Amanda Marshall
Cross My Heart

Joey D loves Lucy A
That's what the note said
5th grade
He's in her row two seats behind
Ten years old, the torture never ends
One day at recess she pulls him aside
She's taking his hand, She looks in his eyes
She's steppin' in close, So no one can hear
Then she whispers in his ear
She says

Tell me all your secrets
And I won't tell anybody
Pinky swear that I'm the one you love
When the world is dark
and you could swear you have no body
Look to the sky, it's written in the stars
Cross my heart

Time flies to graduation
They leave the party
Take a drive
She keeps asking where they're going
He laughs and looks away, it's a surprise
Out on the playground, right where they stood
Down on one knee he asks if she would
He gives her the ring, She starts to cry
It's the first night of the rest of their lives

Tell me all your secrets
And I won't tell anybody
Pinky swear that I'm the one you love
When the world is dark
and you could swear you have no body
Look to the sky, it's written in the stars
Cross my heart

Young love gets old
Real fast, In a small town
When you think your life is passing you by
It kills him to let her go
But she wants to fly
So he gives her the wings
And tells her goodbye

Baby Goodbye

The train enters the station
Track 11 on the Philadelphia line
He was early now he's waiting
And the people rush the doors
Some are laughing
Some are crying
Up on the platform
He scans the crowd
He doesn't see her
He looks all around
But damned disappointment hangs like a shroud
Suddenly a voice rings out

Tell me all your secrets
And I won't tell anybody
Pinky swear that I'm the one you love
When the world gets dark
And you think you have no body
Look to the sky, it's written in the stars
Cross my heart

Tell me all your secrets
And I won't tell anybody
Pinky swear that I'm the one you love
When the world is dark
And you could swear you have no body
Look to the sky, it's written in the stars
Cross my heart

Mirror lyrics:

Cross my heart
Look to the sky, it's written in the stars
And you could swear you have no body
When the world is dark
Pinky swear that I'm the one you love
And I won't tell anybody
Tell me all your secrets

Cross my heart
Look to the sky, it's written in the stars
And you think you have no body
When the world gets dark
Pinky swear that I'm the one you love
And I won't tell anybody
Tell me all your secrets

Suddenly a voice rings out
But damned disappointment hangs like a shroud
He looks all around
He doesn't see her
He scans the crowd
Up on the platform
Some are crying
Some are laughing
And the people rush the doors
He was early now he's waiting
Track 11 on the Philadelphia line
The train enters the station

Baby Goodbye

And tells her goodbye
So he gives her the wings
But she wants to fly
It kills him to let her go
When you think your life is passing you by
Real fast, In a small town
Young love gets old

Cross my heart
Look to the sky, it's written in the stars
and you could swear you have no body
When the world is dark
Pinky swear that I'm the one you love
And I won't tell anybody
Tell me all your secrets

It's the first night of the rest of their lives
He gives her the ring, She starts to cry
Down on one knee he asks if she would
Out on the playground, right where they stood
He laughs and looks away, it's a surprise
She keeps asking where they're going
Take a drive
They leave the party
Time flies to graduation

Cross my heart
Look to the sky, it's written in the stars
and you could swear you have no body
When the world is dark
Pinky swear that I'm the one you love
And I won't tell anybody
Tell me all your secrets

She says
Then she whispers in his ear
She's steppin' in close, So no one can hear
She's taking his hand, She looks in his eyes
One day at recess she pulls him aside
Ten years old, the torture never ends
He's in her row two seats behind
5th grade
That's what the note said
Joey D loves Lucy A

Relevant Tags:
CCross MMy HHeart ross y eart rCoss yM eHart fross jy jeart fCross jMy jHeart Cfross Mjy Hjeart xross ky ueart xCross kMy uHeart
Cxross Mky Hueart vross ny neart vCross nMy nHeart Cvross Mny Hneart dross Myy beart dCross M bHeart Cdross My Hbeart Crross Mg geart
Coss Mgy gHeart Corss Myg Hgeart Cdoss Mh yeart Mhy yHeart Crdoss Myh Hyeart C4oss M6 Heeart C4ross M6y Hart Cr4oss My6 Haert
Cgoss Mu Hsart Cgross Muy Hseart Crgoss Myu Hesart Ctoss M7 H3art Ctross M7y H3eart Crtoss My7 He3art C5oss Mj Hfart C5ross Hfeart
Cr5oss Myj Hefart Cfoss Mt Hrart Mty Hreart Crfoss Myt Herart Ceoss H4art Ceross H4eart Creoss He4art Crooss Hdart
Crss Hdeart Crsos Hedart Crkss Hwart Crkoss Hweart Crokss Hewart Cr9ss Heaart Cr9oss Hert Cro9ss Herat
Cr0ss Hezrt Cr0oss Hezart Cro0ss Heazrt Crlss Heqrt

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