Amber Pacific
Thoughts Before Me

So why should I take your hand
When you can't promise happy endings?

It's starting to get old
That story that untold
Reflect before we walk into
What we already know
Won't be so easy
Looking back at high school drama
Didn't try to fix what we thought were problems
Done with writing empty letters
Is there no other way?

Staring at your reflection every day
Can make or break my heart away
When you won't listen to what's hard for me to say
Those tear stained eyes can make me feel so sad
And once again we're further away from what we never had

So why should I take your hand
When you can't promise happy endings?
Just run away with so much left to share
It's just not enough
When we're so much more than friends
We're much too young to throw away our cares

There's no sense in regretting what's been said in our yesterdays
We're getting backwards double
We can look ahead
And I would walk so much further just to know what I'm doing here
And there's no end to what I'd give
To know just what you meant when you said
How could I feel alive
When we can't help but break our backs just to survive?
Is this another time we can't control our lives?

Those tear stained eyes can make me feel so sad
And once again we're further away from what we never had

So why should I take your hand
When you can't promise happy endings?
Just run away with so much left to share
It's just not enough
When we're so much more than friends
We're much too young to throw away our cares

How could I feel alive
When we can't help but break our backs just to survive?
Is this another time we can't control our lives?

Those tear stained eyes can make me feel so sad
And once again we're further away from what we never had

So why should I take your hand
When you can't promise happy endings?
Just run away with so much left to share
It's just not enough
When we're so much more than friends
We're much too young to throw away our cares

Mirror lyrics:

We're much too young to throw away our cares
When we're so much more than friends
It's just not enough
Just run away with so much left to share
When you can't promise happy endings?
So why should I take your hand

And once again we're further away from what we never had
Those tear stained eyes can make me feel so sad

Is this another time we can't control our lives?
When we can't help but break our backs just to survive?
How could I feel alive

We're much too young to throw away our cares
When we're so much more than friends
It's just not enough
Just run away with so much left to share
When you can't promise happy endings?
So why should I take your hand

And once again we're further away from what we never had
Those tear stained eyes can make me feel so sad

Is this another time we can't control our lives?
When we can't help but break our backs just to survive?
How could I feel alive
To know just what you meant when you said
And there's no end to what I'd give
And I would walk so much further just to know what I'm doing here
We can look ahead
We're getting backwards double
There's no sense in regretting what's been said in our yesterdays

We're much too young to throw away our cares
When we're so much more than friends
It's just not enough
Just run away with so much left to share
When you can't promise happy endings?
So why should I take your hand

And once again we're further away from what we never had
Those tear stained eyes can make me feel so sad
When you won't listen to what's hard for me to say
Can make or break my heart away
Staring at your reflection every day

Is there no other way?
Done with writing empty letters
Didn't try to fix what we thought were problems
Looking back at high school drama
Won't be so easy
What we already know
Reflect before we walk into
That story that untold
It's starting to get old

When you can't promise happy endings?
So why should I take your hand

Relevant Tags:
TThoughts BBefore MMe houghts efore e hToughts eBfore eM fhoughts vefore je fThoughts vBefore jMe Tfhoughts Bvefore Mje
5houghts gefore ke 5Thoughts gBefore kMe T5houghts Bgefore Mke hhoughts nefore ne hThoughts nBefore nMe Thhoughts Bnefore Mne
yhoughts hefore Mee yThoughts hBefore M Tyhoughts Bhefore Me 6houghts Beefore Ms 6Thoughts Bfore Mse T6houghts Bfeore Mes
ghoughts Bsfore M3 gThoughts Bsefore M3e Tghoughts Besfore Me3 rhoughts B3fore Mf rThoughts B3efore Mfe Trhoughts Be3fore Mef
Bffore Mr Toughts Bfefore Mre Tohughts Beffore Mer Tjoughts Brfore M4 Tjhoughts Brefore M4e Thjoughts Berfore Me4
Tuoughts B4fore Md Tuhoughts B4efore Mde Thuoughts Be4fore Med Tnoughts Bdfore Mw Tnhoughts Bdefore Mwe Thnoughts Bedfore Mew
Tboughts Bwfore Tbhoughts Bwefore Thboughts Bewfore Tgoughts Beore Thgoughts Beofre
Tyoughts Becore Becfore Thyoughts Befcore Thooughts Berore Thughts Thuoghts Befrore
Thkughts Begore Thkoughts Begfore Thokughts Befgore Th9ughts Betore Th9oughts Betfore Tho9ughts Beftore
Th0ughts Bevore Th0oughts Bevfore Tho0ughts Befvore Thlughts Bedore Thloughts Tholughts Befdore
Thiughts Befoore Thioughts Befre Thoiughts Befroe Thouughts Befkre Thoghts Befkore Thoguhts Befokre
Thohghts Bef9re Thohughts Bef9ore Thouhghts Befo9re Tho7ghts Bef0re Tho7ughts Bef0ore Thou7ghts Befo0re
Thokghts Beflre Beflore Thoukghts Befolre Thoights Befire Befiore Thouights Befoire
Tho8ghts Beforre Tho8ughts Befoe

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